ayurveda for knee pain Thailam
Bones and Knee Pain: Ayurvedic Herbs and Remedies
SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

Ayurvedic Herbs & Remedies for Bones and Knee Pain

Bone and knee pain shouldn’t be taken lightly. What may start as a minor joint discomfort can become a chronic condition and affect your mobility. Several factors causing knee pain include sports or accidental injuries, osteoarthritis/arthritis, internal infection, effusion, tissue degeneration, weak bones, dislocated kneecap, bone chips, tendonitis, etc.

The intensity of the pain depends on the underlying issue, environment, and physical activities in day-to-day life.

Whatever the underlying cause, Ayurvedic herbs and remedies can give you significant pain relief with no major side effects.

If you have any of the following symptoms, take it as a sign that you need proper treatment and care.

  • Excruciating pain in joints
  • Tenderness in joints
  • Stiffness in joints, which makes standing up or sitting down seems like a task
  • Locking of knee joints, causing painful and/or restricted movement

Causes of Weak Bones & Knee Pain

Our bones ‌grow weaker as we age. However, proper diet and exercise can prevent that from happening or at least delay the process, allowing us to enjoy a happy and active lifestyle.

Let’s understand some of the common causes of weak bones and knee pain.

Sports/Accidental Injury

While a sports injury or a hard fall may not weaken your bones, accidents like these can leave you with chronic pain. The pain is even worse in case of a fracture and may persist long after the injury has healed.

Deficiency of Essential Minerals

To keep bone density and strength, your body needs a daily dose of calcium and vitamin D. Lack of essential minerals and vitamins can weaken your bones and make them susceptible to fracture. Weak bones cannot support your body weight and may cave in under extreme strain.


Although a common occurrence, osteoarthritis can affect your most crucial joints, such as knees, hips and spine. The early symptoms of osteoarthritis may be limited to stiffness and poor mobility, but it causes excruciating pains at a later stage.

Irregularity in blood supply to the bone

Certain underlying conditions can disrupt the blood supply around the bones. As a result, the tissues supporting the bone may ‌deteriorate, leaving the bone high and dry. From there, it’s only a matter of time before the bone becomes weak and causes extreme pain.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Knee Pain

If you are looking for alternative medicines to treat your bone and joint pain, Ayurveda is the safest way forward. Taking an Ayurvedic remedy for knee pain may help you find relief and regain your bone strength. Here are some of the effective remedies used in Ayurvedic treatment for knee swelling, pain, and stiffness:

Myaxyl Oil

Myaxyl oil is an ayurvedic pain relief oil to provide relief from pain and inflammation. This can be used in Ayurvedic massage for knee pain, sprain, and spasm. It is fortified with various herbs, such as Nandivriksha (Tabernaemontana divaricata), Devadaru (Cedrus deodara), Rasna (Alpinia galanga), and helps with long-term relief.

Balaswagandhadi Thailam

Recovering from a debilitating illness often leaves you with chronic joint and muscle pains. Balaswagandhadi Thailam is an ayurvedic oil for muscle strength and mobility. Massaging the inflamed or affected area using this medicated oil can reduce pain and restore mobility so you can gradually get back to your routine.

Sahacharadi Thailam

This medicated massage oil is planned with natural relaxants to help you find relief from back pain and sciatica. It provides both upper back pain relief and lower back pain relief while relaxing stiff muscles and joints of the spine. It is also helpful in the early stages of varicose veins.

Sahacharadi Thailam (Oil)
Sahacharadi Thailam

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Yogaraja Guggulu Tablets

These tablets by Kerala Ayurveda contain anti-inflammatory herbs with Vata-pacifying properties. It ensures Vata dosha is at its optimum level and reduces inflammation in affected areas.

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yogaraja guggulu tablet

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Herbs and Home Remedies for Knee Pain Relief

For relief from knee pain, you can fall back on herbs and home remedies to find relief from knee pain and stop deteriorating bone strength. Some of the most potent herbs for knee pain include:


Turmeric is a popular culinary spice across Indian households with a long-standing history of medicinal use, thanks to its anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin.

Add 1 tsp of turmeric to a glass of water and boil the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes. Drinking this concoction daily may help you find relief from joint pain.

Ginger Extract

Raw ginger or ginger extract contains an anti-inflammatory compound called gingerol. Drinking ginger tea twice daily can relieve knee pain to some extent if you grapple with knee joint pain.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is rich in pain-relieving agents, such as magnesium and sulphate. Prepare a bath by adding two spoons of Epsom salt in warm water. Let your joints soak in it for half an hour to relieve pain.

Cold and Heat Compress

Whichever is appropriate or workable for you and depending on the‌ inflammation and pain you are dealing with, use a cold or heat compress to relieve knee pain. Here’s a thumb rule: Use cold compress to pacify a sports injury, and use heat compress to find relief from long-term pain, such as arthritis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar can help restore joint mobility by improving lubrication, and it also acts as a pain-relief agent. Add one part of apple cider vinegar to one part of water and drink this concoction before bedtime, daily for a few weeks.

Combine these home remedies for knee and bone pain with regular exercise and medicated oil massage to promote healing and relaxation.

Key Takeaway

  • Bone and knee joint pain can occur because of physical injuries or underlying health conditions.
  • The symptoms include deteriorating bone strength, extreme pain, and stiffness.
  • Using Ayurveda for knee pain is one of the safest ways to treat the root cause of the problem.

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