Ayurvedic Treatment For Weight Loss
Don’t feel good about that excess fat around your tummy? Wish you’d been a little more healthy in terms of your physique?
Don’t worry. You’re not the only one.
Did you know that studies have revealed that around 1.9 billion adults are overweight and around 650 million adults are obese? Coming to India, obesity is found in around 135 million people. Not just that, the number of deaths due to obesity stands at 2.8 million globally.
Fact is that the older we get, the more difficult it becomes to manage weight or to fall into a diet or exercise plan to help reduce weight.
Moreover, with so many types of diets like Paleo, Keto, Primal, it’s easy to get confused about which one to follow to reduce obesity. There is just too much of stuff written online about obesity that you’re sure to feel overwhelmed about which one to trust.
One more fact: Stress is one of the primary causes of being overweight. So don’t worry. You’re just adding to your weight by stressing about your weight.
To find a solution to your weight problem, we’ll have to travel back in time - at least 5000 years back to the still-relevant secrets of an ancient medicinal knowledge originating from India - Ayurveda.
But before going into that, let’s quickly understand what obesity is.
What is Obesity?
Obesity is basically a medical condition that arises from the presence of excessive body fat. A person is said to be obese when s/he has a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 30. A healthy weight is considered to be at a BMI of around 18.5 to 24.9. Simply put, it occurs when the number of calories consumed exceeds the number of calories lost.
To calculate your BMI, simply measure the ratio of your body weight (in kilograms - kgs) and the square of your height (in metre squared - mts).
Obesity increases the risk of several chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, etc.
Some of the primary causes of obesity are eating disorders, unhealthy eating habits, consuming calorie-rich food, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, and stress.
Now let’s see what Ayurveda has got to say about this.
What does Ayurveda say?
Obesity may be co-related to ‘Sthoulyam’ in Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, there is an increase in digestive fire (Agni) due to Vata dosha vitiation, which digests the food you eat very easily, prompting to have more
Tissue level metabolism is hampered, especially the fat tissue does not get transformed appropriately
Excess intake of sweet, oily and cold food causes vitiation of Kapha dosha that in turn causes fat deposition
Following the recommendations in Ayurveda for weight loss corrects the faulty fat metabolism and helps maintain optimum body weight
The solution to weight loss in Ayurveda lies to a great extent in your diet.
What to eat and what not to?
Prefer a low-calorie diet that includes millets, different herbs and spices like cinnamon, cumin, garlic, etc.
Wheat and barley are specifically mentioned in Ayurveda as food items that aid weight loss naturally. So, make sure to include these in your daily diet
Fibrous foods like cabbage, broccoli, carrots, banana stem, etc. are ideal weight loss foods as they take a longer time for digestion
Regular intake of pure honey is recommended in Ayurveda for weight loss
Sip lukewarm water often as it is a natural detoxifier. Drinking a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, followed by a glass of lukewarm water early morning, in an empty stomach is beneficial
Completely avoid the intake of junk food, fried, frozen and canned foods. Restrict the consumption of sweets and savouries as they tend to increase body weight
Try replacing curd with fermented buttermilk with added spices. It helps with tissue level fat metabolism
Cut down the intake of beverages like tea, coffee, and aerated drinks
A balanced diet chart prepared by considering the above tips can certainly help you in your goal towards achieving optimum weight loss, naturally
How to reduce weight naturally?
Maintain a Kapha pacifying diet - A warm, light, and not so oily diet with the dominance of bitter, pungent and astringent tastes is what you should give importance to, in your daily intake. These factors help maintain Kapha balance in your body and do not cause unwanted fat deposition. A bowl of warm mixed vegetable soup or a cup of herbal tea spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, Tulsi leaves, etc. is comforting and Kapha pacifying too
Stay active and fit - According to Ayurveda, exercise brings lightness, ability to work and good appetite. It helps in liquefaction of unnecessary fat, tones and shapes the muscles and imparts rigidity to the body
“Laghavam karma-samarthyam, deeptognirmedasahkshya,
Vibhakta Ghana-gatratvam, vyayamatupajayate II” (AH Su 2/11)
Practice Yoga daily - Practicing yoga for weight loss is a great way to stay fit and energetic all day. Apart from providing the benefits of exercise, Yogasanas boost up the overall metabolism of the body. Certain Asanas like Paschimottanasana (the back-stretching pose), Bhujangasana (the cobra pose), Pavanamuktasana (the wind releasing pose), etc. are helpful in reducing body fat
Eat in accordance with the seasons - While seasonal fresh fruits like Jamun, Apple, Pear and vegetables like leafy greens, Broccoli, Carrots, etc. are good during summer, you may consider having stored grains and moderate quantity meat during monsoon and winter as the digestive fire is ignited more during these times of the year.
Eat-in moderation - Make sure you do not fill your stomach to the full. Ayurveda says,
ēkaṁdravāṇām, ēkaṁpunarvātapittaślēṣmaṇām II” (Ch. Vi. 2/3)
"That is, two parts of your stomach should be filled with both solid and liquid food and the third portion should be left free for the doshas. This facilitates optimum digestion and avoids unwanted fat deposition in your body."
Avoid day sleep - Sleeping during the day time, especially immediately after a meal is not good for you
Explore Ayurveda herbs - There are several Ayurveda herbs for weight loss that you can choose. Herbs such as Vrikshamla (Garcinia Indica), Haridra (Curcuma Longa), Indian kino tree (Pterocarpus Marsupium), Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Ginger, Chitraka (Plumbago Zeylanica), Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul), Musta (Cyperus Rotundus), Triphala etc. are beneficial can help you in the process. Decoctions, ayurvedic weight loss powder, and ayurvedic authentic classical formulations containing these drugs aid healthy weight loss.
Get specialized Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss - Udwarthanam (therapeutic powder massage), Kashaya Vasti (therapeutic enema), Virechana (therapeutic purgation), herbal steam bath, etc. are some therapies mentioned for weight loss in Ayurveda. An expert Ayurveda Physician can guide you in choosing the best treatment for you.
Kerala Ayurveda Limited offers ayurvedic customized weight loss packages that can help you to achieve optimum weight loss, naturally. For more details on Kerala ayurvedic treatment for weight loss, contact our toll-free number.
Kerala Ayurveda Limited’s Ayaskrithi and Varunadi Kwath are authentic classical formulations that help you lose weight naturally! Made using superior quality herbs following the traditional way of preparation, these formulations help rectify the fault in fat metabolism and any associated complaints like elevated cholesterol levels in the body.
If this blog motivated you to take the first step towards your goal of healthy weight loss, please do share your weight loss stories.
We value your thoughts and suggestions.
1. Am I required to follow a diet during Panchakarma therapy for weight loss?
During Panchakarma treatment, it is advisable to only eat light foods that can be easily digested by the body. Also, avoid eating processed or raw foods since it is harder on your digestive system.
2. Which is the most effective weight loss diet?
It is said that a Kapha balancing and metabolism promoting diet is the most effective for helpful weight management. Avoiding complex food that is hard to digest is a good practice. It is also suggested that individuals that are trying to lose weight must avoid too much sugar in addition to oily, greasy or fatty foods.
3. What herbs help burn belly fat?
In a weight loss Ayurveda regime, there are a number of herbs that are known to burn belly fat. Each herb has a different purpose and aids the body in different ways.
- Triphala: This is helpful for stomach issues.
- Guggul: This herb helps improve metabolism.
- Dandelion: Helps detoxify the body and help maintain normal water weight and bloating.
- Gurmar: Helps suppress appetite and helps lower the rate of absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.
4. Do Ayurvedic remedies for weight loss have any side effects?
Since Ayurvedic measures of weight management mainly include herbs, the risk of side effects is negated heavily. Minor digestive discomfort can be experienced but even the eventuality of this is minor. What is more important to follow while finding the right remedy for weight loss, is to understand the Dosha first and then take the supplement accordingly.
5. How can I lose 20kgs in two months using Ayurvedic techniques?
This can be helped with weight loss Ayurveda techniques.
It will begin with the Panchakarma process that is aimed at helping reduce toxins in the body. The Panchakarma comprises Vamana (emetic), Virechana (purgative), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal errhines), and Rakta Mokshana (leech therapy).
Once the Panchakarma has been done, we move on to Swedanam (steam bath treatment) and then Abhyangam (massage using therapeutic oils). While these therapies are ongoing, the individual must also practice yoga everyday and strictly maintain a Sattvic diet.