Complete Guide to Fennel: Benefits,Side effects, Uses and more!

Complete Guide to Fennel: Benefits,Side effects, Uses and more!


A Complete Guide To Fennel (Saunf): The Ayurvedic Digestive, Benefits, Uses & More 

Fennel is a small, crispy, somewhat sugary spice used extensively in many cuisines worldwide and as a medicine. Fennel is a traditional Ayurvedic herb and an Indian spice commonly used in many Indian kitchens. This classic Mediterranean plant has been cultivated both as a herb and as a plant for vegetables. Fennel, understood as Saunf or Madhurika, is one unique spice that gives a peculiar aroma to various Indian dishes. Although many spices have a heating effect, fennel has a mild cooling action and gives a sudden freshness when chewed.

According to modern taxonomy, Foeciculum vulvagre, named scientifically, belongs to the Umbelliferae family. Fennel is also a herb that has taken its historical position in many mythologies, suggesting the importance this tiny seed had in the lives of our ancestors. According to Greek mythology, Prometheus smuggled fire to humans inside the hollow wand of a fennel stalk, and it's for this reason, that the Greeks believe its flowers to resemble a torch of fire. Prehistoric Greeks mention fennel by the name “Marathon”- it grew where prehistoric battles were fought, and they consequently named the Battle of Marathon after this honoured plant. Many ancient Chinese myths acclaim their impact in treating snake bites. According to Chinese folklore, fennel is used to soothe the liver, stimulate the kidneys, dispel colds, and relieve pain. It mainly regulates and balances the stomach. The plant was grown by many ancient societies for its scented fruits and tasty eating parts.

This nutty, green goodness is a significant carminative mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics. Fennel seed is extensively used to soothe digestive complaints and improve the functioning of the Vata entity. It has a hot potency, according to Bhavamishra, while a cooling action, according to Dhanvantari Nighantu.

Properties of fennel

Indigenous to the Mediterranean area, Fennel is highly cultivated in northeastern India. This gorgeous herb with yellow flowers in umbel inflorescence blooms from July to October. Fennel looks like a dill with its spinous leaves and hollow stem with a slight scent of aniseed and is mentioned in the Madhuraskanda, the chapter that deals with herbs bearing a mild sweet taste in the Charaka Samhita.

Fennel has a sweet taste with slightly bitter and astringent flavours. It is light and Rooksha (slightly drying) in action. According to Ayurveda, saunf (Fennel) has both hot and cold potencies, according to two different classical authors.

Different varieties of Fennel

There are three fennel types- the common fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare) is used widely in cuisines as a spice and herb. Then there's Sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce). Lastly, we have Bulb fennel, also called Florence fennel, finocchio, or fennel root. This type is actually used like a vegetable. It is consumed as a whole or as part of various preparations. Fennel leaves may also be used as a dressing in salads or dishes.

Fennel benefits

The rich and complex flavour of Fennel creates a perfect balance to vitiated entities of the body and helps to attain equilibrium.

A few of health benefits of Saunf are:

  1. Fennel for Digestion:

    Fennel is naturally potent with a hot potency that ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system. It has a distinct blend of warming and cooling properties that boost hunger before meals and aid digestion. Fennel lowers the sensation of bloating and gas, and reduces burping and heartburn. It also helps in alleviating nausea and indigestion. Fennel stimulates blood flow to the stomach, which enhances digestive fire or the Agni.

  2. For relieving spasms:

    Fennel, like other fragrant plants, can help to relieve smooth muscular spasms. Fennel seeds benefit the respiratory system, especially soothing bronchial contractions in the lungs, GI colic pain, and uterine cramping during menstruation, assisting with various illnesses ranging from asthma to menstrual cramps. The fragrant quality of fennel also relaxes blood vessels and increases circulation, lowering swelling and pain in the affected area.

  3. Cooling agent:

    While many spices are hot, fennel has a cooling feature that soothes the mind and enhances clarity. It pacifies Pitta. It cleanses and soothes a burning sensation in the urinary tract. It also purifies blood. Fennel has also been displayed to protect experimental animals' livers from chemical poisoning in chemical-induced research programmes for the same.

Different uses

There are various traditional uses for fennel in Ayurveda. It is mainly used as a digestive and carminative. The uses of fennel are spread among various systems of the body, including the digestive system, reproductive system, excretory system and integumentary system.

Fennel is used as an appetiser. It relieves bloating, improves digestion and helps to attain a better movement of Vata Dosha. It propels the optimal functioning of Pachaka pitta (the digestive fire) and ensures complete digestion of meals. The Benefit of eating fennel seed raw is that it reduces the signs of halitosis or bad breath, it can also be used to relieve dry thirst.

Fennels are rich in flavonoids that increase the secretion of saliva and thus aid in increasing the rate of digestion.

Fennel also effectively treats various reproductive system ailments for both males and females. Fennel seeds benefit males by improving the content of sperm in semen and helping to combat oligospermia. Fennel seeds benefit females by reducing pelvic cramps during menstruation and improving milk production in lactating women.

Fennel seeds in pregnancy also lower acidity and significantly contribute to reducing symptoms of emesis gravidarum and alleviating morning sickness.

Green fennel also effectively induces urine production and highly effective medical conditions such as dysuria (painful urination), urinary tract infection and oliguria (reduced urine production). Saunf water benefits the skin to attain lustre and fight against skin ailments. According to Caraka Samhita, Kusta Chikitsa( A chapter that deals with the treatment of skin disorders), fennel seed water benefits the skin because of its cooling action and helps to optimise the function of Brajaka pitta, the pitta entity localized on the skin.

Traditional remedies and preparations

There are numerous ways to include fennel into your diet and daily routine. Traditionally, Saunf is used in many home remedies and preparations. Fennel is ideal for relieving constipation when fennel powder is consumed in warm water at bedtime. Common uses of fennel are as follows:

Fennel seed’s benefits for the stomach: Roast a fennel bulb or fennel root with your favourite vegetables or by itself. For best digestion, chew slightly roasted seeds either before or following meals. Fennel powder or whole fennel seeds can be used to make tea or as a spice in sauces, salads, desserts, and vegetable dishes. Try steeping fennel seed powder in the traditional digestive tea with cumin and coriander to increase appetite.

Another common fennel preparation used traditionally is fennel seeds for weight loss. Stir a teaspoon of fennel seeds into a cup of boiling water, but avoid boiling to preserve their nutrients. Let it steep for about 10 minutes before drinking it twice daily. Enjoy the benefits of fennel seeds while losing weight in a healthy way. Fennel seed water for diabetics is also a traditionally used remedy. It helps to reduce blood glucose levels due to its abundance of Vitamin C and helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

At Kerala Ayurveda, we use Fennel or Saunf in various herbal combinations; you can buy it online and get it delivered anywhere in India.

Due to its digestive action, fennel, along with other herbs, is commonly added as Avachoorna dravya in many authentic combinations, yet two formulations that stand out are Abhayarishtam and Jeerakarishtam. These are fermented Arishta preparations used to reduce the aggravation of the vitiated Vata entity.

Abhayarishta Syrup

Relieves Constipation & Indigestion

Constipation is a common complaint in many individuals. For all the high-calorie diets lacking fibre with a lifestyle that compromises regular exercise, passing stool regularly is an academic task to many. Passing fewer than three stools per week, passing hard stools, straining to evacuate bowels, or feeling of incomplete evacuation can be signs of constipation. Chronic constipation can reduce appetite, induce irritability, and give a sensation of lower body heaviness and bloating.

Kerala Ayurevda’s Abhayarishtam is an ancient herbal wine preparation containing fennel, Abhaya (Terminalia chebula), Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Vidanga (Embelia ribes) and other potent herbs that help to normalise the bowel, induce digestion, promote the normal flow of Vata Dosha and curb constipation. Abhayarishta balances the Vata dosha in the gut, especially the colon, and helps in effortless evacuation.

Jeerakarishta (Arishtam)

Postpartum Tonic for Bloating & Indigestion

Kerala Ayurevda’s Jeerakarishtam is a classical wine preparation containing fennel, cumin, jaggery and other herbs that act as a postpartum tonic bloating and indigestion. It gives long-lasting relief from abdominal gas following childbirth. It also helps restore appetite and digestion post-delivery due to highly carminative ingredients, thus restoring hunger. The rich content of fennel and cumin helps to boost breast milk production in lactating mothers. Postpartum recovery is essential after delivery. The presence of strengthening herbs in the combination helps to restore natural health and vigour and expedites postpartum recovery.

Precautions and Side Effects

  • If you are under allopathic medication or have been diagnosed with other medical conditions, consult a doctor to ensure no drug interaction.
  • If you are diabetic, consume fennel seed water only after consulting with a physician within limits, as it may lower blood glucose levels rapidly if used otherwise.
  • Although it is safe to consume fennel during pregnancy and lactation, do consult with your Ayurvedic obstetrician to avoid any complications.

Fennel seeds show side effects when consumed in excess. Allergies, contact dermatitis, hot flashes and excessive uterus stimulation during menstruation are common fennel side effects in females.

Key takeaways

  • Fennel is an excellent appetiser that acts as a digestive and carminative aid to boost optimal digestion.
  • Fennel is an Aphrodisiac that also helps to normalise the systemic functions of the body, including the respiratory system and reproductive system.
  • Fennel can be consumed irrespective of gender or age. Fennel is also safe during pregnancy and lactation, although the dose must be strictly maintained.
  • Fennel fruit also effectively reduces bad breath and dry thirst when chewed on.
  • You may consume Saunf in Arishta, powder, tablet, paste or decoction format after taking suitable advice from an Ayurvedic physician.

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