Best Way To Get Rid of Your Knee Pain Is by Ayurveda | Kerala Ayurveda


Ayurvedic Herbs for Bones and How It Can Help Your Get Rid of Knee Pain

In Ayurveda, ‘Taila’ forms a unique category of formulations that when used as a massage therapy contributes towards maintaining the body in a state of harmony and balance. Due to the tiny particle sizes of the oil molecule, they could penetrate in the skin easily and transport these healing properties direct to the body cells. The therapy aim towards promoting youthfulness, calming the nervous system, lubricating the joints, toning the muscles and thus enabling one to lead an active healthy life.

One of the Ayurvedic thailams, Gandha Thailam, is a traditional Ayurvedic medication that has been used for over thousands of years. It is excellent medicated oil when applied externally and taken orally improves bone mass & bone strength, improved joints and ligaments.

In Kerala, Kalarippayattu, is a martial art, regarded as the oldest and most scientific form of art practiced by worriers using the massages with Gandha Thailam. According to Ayurveda, this oil when applied on the body helps strengthen the body, avoids fatigue, lethargy, energized the body and mind, keeps one active and alert

  • Gandha Thailam is an exceptional restorative for fracture care and a good nutritional supplement in ligament injuries
  • Daily 2-10 drops of gandha thailam with milk helps in fast recovery from fractures. It prevents further bone damage and degeneration
  • For easy oral administration Kerala Ayurveda`s Gandha thailam capsules are also available
  • If your bone mineral density is low, intake of Gandha thailam capsules with milk and external application of oil helps in improving your bone mass and strength

Say Goodbye To Knee Pain With Ayurveda

Knee pain can be one of the most difficult health problems to live with. It impacts a person's mobility as well as their ability to do daily tasks. We generally associate knee pain with advanced age, but it can strike at any time. Even very active people and athletes have the risk of suffering from knee pain at some point in their lives. Other health issues that affect the bones and joints can also manifest as severe knee pain. Ayurveda looks at all health issues in a holistic manner. No particular problem is dealt with in isolation. Knee pain treatment in Ayurveda treats the problem with natural medication that eases the pain and improves the person’s overall health. 

When a person is in good health and has a strong immune system, knee issues can be the result of overuse or injury. In most cases, however, it is the result of poor lifestyle choices and less than optimum health over a long period of time. Obesity also strains all the joints in the body and when the knee is weak it causes severe knee pain.

To understand the approach of Ayurvedic medicine for knee pain one must understand Ama. Digestion is the central vital function to keep the body in good health. The metabolism is what synthesizes our food intake into the nutrition that sustains the body tissues. When digestion is faulty this process is not efficient and metabolic waste is produced. Ayurveda calls this waste Ama. It is highly toxic and when it penetrates tissues, is the root cause of all health issues. When Ama is produced over a period of time it transforms into Amavisha which is an even more dangerous form of the toxin. Ayurvedic medicine also defines three Doshas that govern bodily functions. These are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas. When these Doshas are in balance the body functions in a healthy manner. When they are out of balance they trigger health issues. 

There are two types of joint problems. One is caused by the Vata Dosha aggravation and the other by inflammation. They can also be interlinked. The Vata Dosha problems are called Vata Vyadhi. They cause dryness in the body that afflicts the Vyana Vata. This is the sub-Dosha of the Vata Dosha that governs the nourishment of the joint. When the joint is malnourished and devoid of the necessary lubrication, it results in joint issues. Ayurvedic medicine for knee pain caused by Vata problems can be taken internally and applied externally. Ayurvedic medicine for osteoarthritis balances the vitiated Vata Dosha and nourishes the joints. 

When the Ama in the body afflicts the joints it causes inflammation. Injuries also result in inflammation in the knee. Ayurvedic medicine for joint pain in India for such knee pain is used both internally and externally. It is rich in herbs that detoxify and relieve Ama. The patient is also counseled on a proper lifestyle to avoid Ama formation. Internal medication, as well as topical Ayurvedic oil for joint pain, has strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-swelling, and Ama relieving properties. Knee pain treatment in Ayurveda can be supplemented with Panchkarma treatment and gentle Yoga exercises to strengthen and restore mobility to the joint. 

Traditional Method of Manufacture

  • Preparation of Gandha thailam is very unique.
  • Major ingredient is Sesame oil. High quality Sesame seeds are tied into a cloth bundle allowed to stay in flowing water for a day.
  • It is then soaked in milk and decoction of Licorice root – (Glycyrrhiza glabra) daily and dried in shade and continued for seven days.
  • Finally mixed with fine powder of herbs, to which milk and oil is added.
  • It is always advised to follow diet regimen (pathya) prescribed by the phyisican when this sacred oil is consumed


2 capsules , twice daily with milk/ warm water/ Marma kashayam/ Dhanwantaram kashayam.


  • Fast healing of fractured bones and ligament injuries
  • Heals knee joint injuries
  • Reduces the risk of bone degenerate in ageing
  • Strengthens bones, joints and cartilage
  • Brings flexibility to joints
  • Advised in joint dislocation and post fracture complication
  • Relieves recurrent shoulder dislocation
  • Early intake prevents osteoporosis

Strengthen your core. Buy Gandha Thailam Capsule now.



1. What is the use of Gandha Thailam?
Gandha Thailam is a unique Ayurvedic oil formulation that is useful to support optimal bone health. It has been used for centuries as a remedy to help reduce bone degeneration and osteoporosis. It is also helpful as a traditional oil applied on dislocated shoulders and for ligament tears and bone fractures. It has also been used as a helpful home remedy for the management of arthritis. People who suffer from back pain caused by lumbar or cervical spondylosis, slipped disc, sciatica or sprains usually use Gandha Thailam for easing the symptoms. In Ayurveda, the Asthi Dhatu that supports bones is the same tissue group for hair. So, since Gandha Thailam supports bone health, it is also believed to be beneficial for hair.


2. What is Gandha Thailam?
Gandha Thailam is a special Ayurvedic oil that is prepared from sesame. Sesame seeds are kept tied in cloth soaked in flowing water for a day. These seeds are then soaked in milk and licorice root mixture and dried in the shade. This process is repeated for a week after which the seeds are mixed with other herbs, milk and oil. The oil then undergoes a purification process. This oil is generally prescribed alongside a special dietary regimen or Pathya. 
As per the principles of Ayurveda, the metabolic toxin Ama causes joint problems when it invades the joints, causing inflammation. This oil has potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-swelling, and Ama relieving properties that make it useful for chronic pain caused by Ama accumulation. It is used internally and externally to help manage knee pain, back pain, or joint pains caused by bone or joint degradation. 


3. Is Gandha Thailam good for massages during pregnancy? 
It is best to consult an Ayurvedic physician before using any Ayurvedic formulations during pregnancy. Generally, Gandha Thailam is used internally. For pregnant women, it has to be prescribed under the guidance of a physician.


4. What are the benefits of Gandha Thailam?

Gandha Thailam is traditionally used to support the health of the bones and joints of the body. It has been in use for centuries by the martial artists who practice Kalaripayatu, a type of martial arts that originated in Kerala. These martial artists use this special Ayurvedic formulation as it is believed to help strengthen the bones, joints and cartilage and help enhance flexibility. It aids bone health by helping prevent osteoporosis and degeneration of the bones. This oil is also a traditional remedy to help heal ligament tears, dislocated shoulders and fractured bones. 


5. Is Gandha Thailam good for females?

Yes, Gandha Thailam is suitable and helpful for the bone health of both men and women. Both genders and all ages have traditionally used it to help ease bone and joint injuries. It is also useful to take this oil for painful joints caused by chronic bone and joint issues.



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