Oral Hygiene, Ayurveda Way

Oral Hygiene, Ayurveda Way

Because of our busy schedule, we often ignore taking care of our oral hygiene, which is of utmost importance. Since it plays an integral role in digestion, one of the most important functions of th...

Benefits8 DIY Ayurveda Rituals (Dinacharya) | Self Care Routine

8 DIY Ayurveda Rituals (Dinacharya) | Self Care Routine

DIY Ayurvedic Rituals to Practice at Home Following an Ayurvedic dinacharya every day can help maintain good health and keep many health concerns at bay. Everything can contribute to ...

BenefitsRevitalize and Rejuvenate: Embracing Ayurveda for Renewal

Revitalize and Rejuvenate: Embracing Ayurveda for Renewal

You need to understand that while you are busy clocking in your overtime, unbeknownst to you, your body and mind are feeling the pressure. It is critical that you hit that pause button at regular i...