Prostate Health: Ayurveda for Prostate Care

Prostate Health: Ayurveda for Prostate Care



Prostate Health: Challenges, Ayurvedic Herbs and Treatment


Prostate concerns can be very worrying. The prostate gland plays a vital role in the male reproductive system. However, several health conditions associated with this gland can affect urine flow. Poor prostate health can lead to urine flow difficulties, weak urination, dribbling, and painful urination.

Moreover, the symptoms of prostate health conditions can be troubling. It requires a way that is safe, gentle, and effective. Ayurveda can help you with this. In this blog, we discuss how.

So, stay tuned; this blog shares an effective Ayurvedic treatment for prostate, along with tips on overcoming related challenges.

Prostate Concerns: Why Do They Occur and Symptoms

One of the most common prostate problems is Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. This is a condition that causes an enlargement of the prostate. This leads to the urethral opening becoming blocked, which affects urination. According to Ayurveda for prostate, the reason for prostate health conditions is the buildup of toxins (Ama) in the body.

Toxins can build up for various reasons:

  • It can happen due to a poor diet and weakened digestion.
  • A poor lifestyle, lack of exercise, overuse of alcohol, and insufficient fluid intake can all lead to prostate concerns.

Apart from that, Vata is one of the three primary Doshas in the body. Imbalance in Vata can cause a problem called Vatashteela.

This condition affects Apana Vata, which affects the prostate, also weakening the prostate gland. This leads to the condition known as BPH. As a result, the following symptoms may crop up:

  • Pain during urination and intermittent urination.
  • Sometimes, Kapha vitiation can affect the prostate, leading to excess urination at night, difficulty passing urine, etc.
  • It can also cause inflammation and immense pain.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Prostate Health

Ayurveda is a holistic science encompassing physical, emotional, and mental well-being. According to Ayurveda, the three Doshas, namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the primary functional energies in the human body. The healthy Dosha levels for every person are unique to them and their constitution.

The ancient Ayurvedic text - Ashtanga Hridaya defines the Vata Dosha as cold, dry, rough, light, agitated, and subtle. The Pitta Dosha is hot, sharp, light, mobile, liquid, and unpleasant to smell. The Kapha Dosha is described as heavy, sticky, dull, wet, cold, firm, and soft. It holds all the joints together and provides the body with lubrication, stability, and patience.

According to Ayurveda, Vata Dosha relates to the air element, Pitta Dosha to the fire element, and Kapha Dosha to the water element. The aggravation of these Doshas from their optimum levels can cause various health concerns.

Moving further, reproductive fluids are associated with the Shukra Dhatu in men. And the overuse of Shukra Dhatu can lead to prostate concerns. These concerns are easier to correct initially, but prostate cancer or prostate enlargement conditions require more exclusive care.

In cases of prostate health concerns, Prostact tablets can be helpful.

Prostact tablet is recommended as the best Ayurvedic medicine for prostate concerns. You can use this supplement to manage prostatitis and other prostate conditions. This product also helps manage the resulting pain. These tablets can now be ordered online by visiting the Kerala Ayurveda store. Once the order is placed, the product will be delivered to your home. You can now experience the goodness of Ayurveda and use it to help maintain your prostate health.

To improve prostate health with Ayurveda, certain Ayurvedic remedies can be relied upon.

How Can Ayurveda Help with Prostate?

Ayurveda deals with all health conditions in a whole-body holistic manner. It is essential to have a healthy and active lifestyle. Even if one is in a desk-bound job, getting up and stretching from time to time improves circulation around the prostate area. Eating on time and maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet is crucial. Maintaining good digestion and metabolism helps prevent the formation of the metabolic toxin called Ama, which causes health issues.

Ayurveda offers a wealth of knowledge of natural herbs and spices that can be taken as supplements and incorporated into one’s daily food preparation. Certain Yoga poses or Asanas also help ease pain and encourage the prostate’s good health. Yoga poses promote blood circulation to the pelvis and are especially good for the prostate. Regular exercise keeps the circulation of the whole body at an optimal level and helps prevent weight issues. To avoid urinary concerns that further cause problems, adequate hydration should be maintained. Also, always take the time to empty the bladder properly.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Prostate Care

ayurvedic herbs for prostate health

Ayurveda does not treat any health concerns in isolation. Ayurveda recommends combining diet, food habits, exercise, lifestyle changes, and supplements to avoid prostate issues. Overall, good health is the best way to manage health problems.

Here’s a list of herbs and herbal supplements that can help improve prostate health.

  • Haldi (Turmeric): This golden yellow spice helps reduce the metabolic toxin Ama and the more dangerous form Amavisha. It supports the liver's health, purifies the blood and helps ease prostate issues.
  • Methi (Fenugreek): Prostate gland enlargement causes most of the prostate problems. Methi helps reduce this enlargement, making it the best Ayurvedic medicine for enlarged prostates.
  • Pudina (mint), Jeera (cumin) and Saunf (fennel): These spices are used traditionally to help maintain the Vata Dosha and regulate the bowels. They can be incorporated into daily cooking or as herbal teas and salad ingredients.
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): This Ayurvedic herb has been used in Ayurveda to help manage urinary problems by helping to improve urine flow. It is known to help maintain a healthy prostate. It is a diuretic that helps cleanse organs in the lower abdomen.
  • Varuna (Crataeva nurvala): Varuna is an Ayurvedic herb known for being anti-inflammatory. This action helps in managing BPH symptoms. It is helpful in pain management.
  • Alsi (Linum usitatissimum): Alsi helps manage inflammation and pain. It helps cure enlarged prostate due to BPH.
  • Yashada Bhasma: This is an Ayurvedic product made from zinc ash. It is known that zinc deficiency has an effect on prostate functioning and can lead to prostate problems. This ingredient helps in maintaining zinc levels. It can also help deal with erectile dysfunctions.

Home Remedies for Prostate in Ayurveda

home remedies for prostate in ayurveda

Here are a few home remedies for prostate in Ayurveda:

  • Adequate hydration ensures that there is no concentration of the urine. So, drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Urinate with no hurry. This ensures that the bladder is completely emptied.
  • Alcoholic beverages adversely affect the Rakta Dhatu, and avoiding them is healthy.
  • A healthy Rasa Dhatu is essential for prostate and general health. Eating fresh and juicy sweet fruits supports the Rasa Dhatu. One should also include Badam (almonds) and Akhrot (walnuts) in the diet.
  • Being too cold can cause urine retention within the body, so keeping the body at a comfortable temperature is essential.
  • Avoid sitting for too long. An active lifestyle encourages blood circulation.
  • The Apana Vata should be supported well. When aggravated, more of the metabolic toxin Ama enters the Rakta Dhatu.
  • Bowel movements should be regular to avoid aggravating the Apana Vata.
  • Don’t ignore the urge to urinate.
  • One way to keep the prostate functioning well is to use certain spices while cooking. They help reduce Ama (toxins) in the body and help pacify the Vata dosha, the aggravation of which is often responsible for prostate problems. This is also a component of Ayurvedic medicine for the enlarged prostate gland.
  • Food, habits, and Ayurvedic therapies should be paid attention to help cleanse the Dhatus regularly. Particular attention should be paid to the Rakta, Mamsa, and Medha Dhatus.
  • A healthy lifestyle can be supplemented with Ayurvedic therapies for detoxification and Ayurvedic medicine for prostate problems.

Yoga Poses to Improve Prostate Health

yoga to improve prostate health

One reason for prostate health concerns is an idol lifestyle. If you have a desk job requiring little activity throughout the day, getting up every 30-40 minutes and doing some stretches would be necessary for your good health. To further improve your prostate health, you can practice the following Yoga poses:

  • Virasana
  • Baddha konasana
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Supta Padangusthasana
  • Dhanurasana


Concerns relating to prostate health can be challenging to cope with. While the initial stages may start with dribbling urination, in the middle stages, urination may become more complex, potentially leading to prostate enlargement or even cancer in the most severe stages. Although we don’t intend to kindle fear, correct prostate care measures should be taken to keep yourself healthy. In this blog, we discussed prostate health in detail, sharing Ayurvedic remedies and herbal solutions to improve prostate health. Hopefully, this was helpful.

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