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Mahathikthakam Kwath is Anti-inflammatory, Anti-infective, Immuno-modulator, Psychotropic, Carminative, Digestive & Laxative. Mahathikthakam Kwath is used to help with skin disorders and non-healing wounds. It soothes the skin and gives relief from the itching, inflammation, burning, oozing and pain that characterise skin disorders.
The joy of having a new baby is one of life’s greatest joys. It’s very important that proper care is given to the mother and the baby to support the mother’s good health and the baby’s health. Maintaining an adequate breast milk supply is very worrisome to a new mother. It’s very important to establish an adequate milk supply for a baby while also ensuring the good health of the mother. Gestatone lehyam is a completely natural Ayurvedic jam preparation based on the Ayurvedic medicine- Vidaryadi kwath, used since ancient times to support the health of new mothers. It’s a perfectly safe and beneficial composition of Ayurvedic ingredients that is to be given as a part of lactation and digestion support for new mothers that will be poor after delivering a baby. It’s also an excellent tonic for the uterine muscle. Gestatone has ingredients that prevent anemia in the new mother.
Kerala Ayurveda Navjeevan Rasayanam can be your all-natural way to fight respiratory disorders! A proprietary formulation, Navajeevanrasayanam is a herbo-mineral preparation which has proven efficacy in respiratory complications. It has the Power of Potent Ingredients like Gambhari, Bilwa, Gokshura and Brihati among others that makes it so Effective in Respiratory Disorders. The Best part is that Navajeevanrasayanam is Free from Sedation as well as Gastric Irritation and does not even cause Constipation! Navajeevanrasayanam can be your All-natural Way to Fight Respiratory Disorders! A Proprietary Formulation, Navajeevanrasayanam is a Herbo-mineral Preparation which has Proven Efficacy in Respiratory Complications. A Rasayanam for Bronchial Disorders, it is Effective in Cases of Chronic Cough, Bronchitis, Bronchial Spasm
Kerala Ayurveda's Chandanasavam is an ayurvedic medicine for muscle strength and is one of the most effective prescriptions for urinary tract infection treatment. It is known as ayurvedic medicine for strength and is a potent herbal formula that is used to effectively treat urinary and urogenital disorders. Chandanasavam is an ayurvedic treatment for UTI infection and contains 5-10% of self-generated alcohol. Chandanasavam has a cooling effect, balances body heat and has a wide range of antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
Kerala Ayurveda Arimedadi Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic oil-pulling formula based on the ancient Ayurvedic text called Ashtanga Hridayam. This herbal oil for oil pulling is designed to offer excellent oral hygiene and gum health benefits. Infused with herbs that are known to be beneficial for the mouth, Arimedadi oil helps strengthen teeth, alleviate tooth decay, remove stains, freshen breath, and reduce bleeding and swelling of the gums. Ayurveda suggests a specialized therapy called Gandusha for maintaining optimal oral hygiene. This therapeutic technique involves retaining any medicated liquid in the mouth for a designated duration. Gandusha cleanses the mouth and enhances the body's natural defense mechanisms in the oral cavity. Regular practice of Gandusha contributes to restoring good oral hygiene. Ayurveda recommends including Gandusha as a part of Dinacharya. Practicing oil pulling with Arimedadi Thailam can enhance oral immunity, sharpen taste buds, and improve the sense of taste. It also helps balance the oral pH and prevents dryness of the throat and mouth.
Gulguluthikthakam Kwath is a well-known Ayurvedic liquid supplement for joint pain and other inflammatory conditions including skin diseases. This herbal concoction is prepared with the oleo-resin gum Guggul that is well-known as a bio-enhancer and Panchatikta-the five bitter herbs- such as Neem and Guduchi that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in treatment for gout and can be supplemented with external Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments to provide good relief from joint pain. With a superior blend of pain-relieving herbs prepared according to the ancient Vedic recipe of Gulguluthikthakam ghee derived from the Ashtanga Hridaya, this herbal decoction maintains joint and skin health, lowers cholesterol levels, and is a powerful nervine tonic. It is also used in managing obesity, uterine fibroids and helps in the quicker healing of chronic ulcers. It is useful in treating Cervical and Lumbar spondylosis and other afflictions of bones and skin with associated vitiation of Kapha and Vata dosha. It gives symptomatic relief in skin afflictions like Psoriasis, hives, boils, scabies and dermatitis due to its ability to purify the blood, strengthen digestion and promote skin rejuvenation. It should be used with caution in people having a history of gastritis or those having a sensitive stomach.
Kerala Ayurveda Gulguluthikthaka Ghritham is a medicated ghee effective in Vata disorders and various types of skin diseases. The herbal ingredients processed in Cow's ghee helps reduce rheumatic conditions, inflammatory conditions and digestive system disorders. It promotes healing of chronic non-healing ulcers, fistula and skin issues.
Balaguluchyadi Kwath is beneficial in reducing the symptoms associated with rheumatic conditions. Intake of Balaguluchyadi Kwath is beneficial in arthritis conditions associated with the burning sensation, swelling, and pain. It helps pacify vitiated Vata dosha.
Childbirth is a transformative phase for women that comes with bitter-sweet experiences. Most women develop chronic health complications, such as bloating and indigestion. These health concerns are detrimental to the mother’s well-being and often affect her relationship with the baby. Jeerakarishta by Kerala Ayurveda is a herbal decoction with cumin seeds as the main ingredient. Taking Jeerakarishta after delivery can help prevent digestive concerns and speed up postpartum recovery. By managing the symptoms of bloating and achieving optimal digestive health, new mothers can sleep better and take good care of their babies. Women can also benefit from Jeerakarishta during pregnancy, as many Ayurveda practitioners recommend this Ayurvedic medicine for acidity in pregnancy. Our Jeerakarishta is 100% natural and contains no chemicals or artificial colors. You can rest assured that this postpartum digestive tonic can offer long-lasting results without any significant side effects. Buy Jeerakarishta online from Kerala Ayurveda at flat shipping rates across India. For peace of mind, we also offer 100% replacement guaranteed returns within 30 days.
Gulguluthikthakam Kwath Tablet is an Ayurvedic tablet for joint pain. It is also a natural treatment for gout and can be supplemented with external treatments. Gout treatment tablets have a better effect when combined with dietary restrictions and weight management. The Gulguluthikthakam Kwath Tablet is an Ayurvedic formulation of joint care Ayurvedic tablets. It’s also a natural cure for gout. Joint pain treatment in Ayurveda is to be supplemented with a proper diet plan.
Kerala Ayurveda Shaddharana Choornam Tablets are perfectly curated, with six herbal ingredients in equal quantities. It is an Ayurvedic medicine for gastric conditions and helps improve digestion. Shaddharana Choornam Tablets are used for various digestive disorders ranging from gas trouble, abdominal bloating, indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea. It is used as a supplement for correcting metabolic insufficiency and associated conditions such as weight loss and cholesterol levels. Shaddharana Choornam Tablet also benefits in relieving symptoms associated with musculoskeletal and skin conditions.
Karpasasthyadi Thailam - Ayurvedic Medicine for Nerve Weakness Kerala Ayurveda’s Karpasasthyadi Thailam Oil is an Ayurvedic medicine for paralysis attack and is also one of the prescriptions for facial palsy treatment. It is very effective in helping to regulate body temperature and enhancing mood.
Patolamooladi Kwath is a classical herbal decoction beneficial in various types of skin diseases. Ingredients like Patola (Trichosanthes cucumerina) present in Patolamooladi Kwath supports smooth bowel movements. The intake of Patolamooladi Kwath also helps in recovering from liver diseases, toxic conditions of the skin, chronic fever, acute hemorrhoids, etc.
Kerala Ayurveda Eladi Keram is an ayurvedic oil crafted to address skin blemishes and pigmentation. Formulated with potent ingredients, it supports optimal skin health and promotes a radiant, blemish-free complexion. This ayurvedic treatment effectively tackles skin allergies, rashes, and itching, acting as both a blemish treatment and an antiseptic against toxin-related skin issues. Eladi Keram is particularly effective for conditions associated with imbalanced Vata and Kapha Doshas.
A traditional Ayurvedic formulation for post-work soreness. Kerala Ayurveda Mahanarayana thailam strengthens and rejuvenates the muscles providing relief from workout pains. The oil is also ideal for the elderly to aid relief from pain and aches and muscle stiffness, helping them to move effortlessly.
Kerala Ayurveda's Vidaryadi Kwath is a concentrated decoction prepared out of natural herbal ingredients and is said to be helpful in bringing in nourishing muscles and strengthening bones. It also functions as a vata pitta dosha remedy by balancing the two doshas present within an individual.
Kerala Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Kwath is an Ayurveda formulation that helps relieve Vata disorders and postnatal difficulties in women. It helps in reducing the symptoms associated with degenerating diseases, rheumatic complaints, trauma, etc. It also proves beneficial in vaginal problems, painful micturition and helps restore natural strength after delivery.
Nimbadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic skin treatment formulation that can help in the treatment of boils and carbuncles. It is also good for patients with diabetic carbuncles. The herbs that are used in the Nimbadi Kwath help to relieve the pain and inflammation and restore the skin to good health. The key ingredient is Neem which is a popular and effective component of Ayurvedic products for the skin.
Prasaranyadi Kwath is a classical Ayurveda formulation in decoction form, beneficial in joint disorders and musculoskeletal problems. It possesses anti-rheumatic and carminative properties that are primarily used in the ayurvedic treatment of joint pain, neck and shoulder pain, and other musculoskeletal problems. Prasaranyadi Kwath is formulated specifically for the needs of active men, women, and seniors. It acts as a natural analgesic and muscle relaxant. It boosts immunity and fortifies joints which makes it easy for a person to carry out their day-to-day activities.
Say goodbye to coughs, colds, and restless nights and hello to a healthier, happier you with Kerala Ayurveda Karpooradi Thailam - the all-natural supplement that promotes overall well-being for you and your family. As the seasons change, many of us struggle with respiratory issues that can leave us drained and unwell. But with Karpooradi Thailam, you can soothe your nasal and chest congestion and breathe easy once again. Our warming chest rub oil is perfect for the whole family, including kids, and can be used alongside steam inhalation for maximum effectiveness. Our soothing chest rubbing oil is made with all-natural ingredients, carefully selected to provide the perfect balance of healing properties for your body, mind, and spirit. Don't let respiratory issues get in the way of your life. Choose Kerala Ayurveda Karpooradi Thailam and experience the benefits of holistic wellness and balance today. Try it now and feel the difference for yourself.
Jadamayadi Choornam is made from the combination of 8 rare herbs that are used in the formulation of ayurvedic medicine for swelling. It helps reduce inflammation when applied to the affected part. It helps in balancing the three doshas of the body, thereby curing Gout (Vatarakta), Arthritis and joint swelling. It also helps lower down the burning sensation in the affected part.
Ashtavargam Kwath is a classical Ayurveda formulation beneficial in rheumatic complaints. It is beneficial in Vata predominant conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and neurological manifestations. Ashtavargam Kwath also helps in relieving numbness and other neurological symptoms associated with Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, etc.
Mustharishta is an Ayurvedic medicine for indigestion that also prevents the formation of Ama in the body. It is also an Ayurvedic medicine for dysentery and diarrhoea and one of the most recommended medicines for fever in adults made from natural ingredients.
Kerala Ayurveda Mahamasha thailam is an authentic formulation for strengthening the nerves and muscles. Enriched with the goodness of Masha, Dasamoola, Atmagupta, Eranda, and ten other rejuvenating herbs, Mahamasha Thailam relieves numbness and strengthen weak muscles, thus promoting regular movements and increased strength.
Kerala Ayurveda’s Kutajarishta is a product used in the Ayurvedic treatment of upset stomach. The medicine is anti-dysenteric and helpful in loose motion treatment. Kutajarishta syrup also helps to improve digestion. This ayurvedic medicine for loose motion helps treat various kinds of stomach ailments. Stomach upsets, digestive problems, piles, sprues, and intestinal parasites are problems that can be treated using this medicine. It is astringent and helps in improving wellness naturally.
Dhanwantharam Kwath Tablet helps reduce the symptoms associated with degenerating diseases, rheumatic complaints, trauma, etc. It also proves beneficial in vaginal complaints, painful micturition and helps restore natural strength after delivery. It helps reduce symptoms like numbness, muscle wasting, etc. associated with rheumatic complaints, degenerative disorders, trauma, motor neuron disease, etc.
Sahacharabaladi Kwath is a unique ayurvedic formulation made with organic ingredients, beneficial in managing the pain and stiffness affecting the lower back and limbs. It helps to revitalise the backbone and helps in managing pain caused due to inflammation. It promotes bone health and supports a healthy lifestyle.