Detox & Gut health

Improve your digestive well-being with our Detox & Gut Health collection. Featuring Ayurvedic remedies, these products support healthy digestion, reduce bloating, and promote a balanced gut. Embrace natural solutions for a healthier, happier digestive system.


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48 products

Abhayarishta Syrup (450 ml)

Abhayarishtam is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal tonic known for its digestive health benefits. Made from the powerful herb Haritaki (also called Abhaya), this liquid formulation has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support and maintain a healthy digestive system. It is particularly valued for its ability to improve digestion, promote regular bowel movements, and detoxify the body. Abhayarishtam combines the natural healing properties of herbs and fermentation, making it a gentle yet effective remedy for digestive discomfort and overall wellness.

Sale price₹153 Regular price₹170
Alsactil Tablet (100 nos)

Experience instant relief from acidity with Kerala Ayurveda Alsactil Tablet! Alsactil tablets help reduce acidity, nausea, heartburn, and associated headaches. It is beneficial in digestive conditions, including flatulence, dyspepsia, and gastric ulcers.

Sale price₹450
  • Winter Must Have
Amruthotharam Kwath (450 ml)

Amruthotharam kwath is a classical Ayurvedic medicine rooted in the ancient Malayalam Ayurveda recipe book - Sahasrayogam. It is also known as Nagaradi kwath. It contains deepana or carminative herbs that help in amapachana or metabolizing accumulated toxins. Usually, kasayas are not indicated in the early stages of high body temperature. Still, Amruthotharam Kwath has a unique formula that can be used even in the early stages of high body temperature. This excellent medicine for high temperature not only helps to optimize the body temperature but also helps to relieve indigestion, bloating, and other pitta-aggravated conditions

Sale price₹125
  • Winter Must Have
Amruthotharam Kwath Tablet (100 nos)

Amruthotharam Kwath is an Ayurvedic formulation that is used to smooth over digestive problems & infection. It’s an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion problems and is made of herbs that reduce stomach discomfort and pain. It’s a digestive tonic Ayurvedic that helps in healing metabolic error. This is wisely designed by the vaidyas in the text Sahasrayogam consisting of three ingredients: Amruta, Hareetaki and nagara and is also known as nagaradikashayam.It acts as anti-pyretic, immune-booster and anti-microbial herb and also has carminative It is known to cure fever caused due to aggravation of all the three doshas.

Sale price₹380
Ashta Choornam (50 gms)

Ashta Choornam is an Ayurvedic medicine to help provide relief from indigestion and is used as a gas relief medicine and also a churan for digestion. As the name indicates, it is a combination of eight ingredients. It is widely used as a gas relief medicine for adults. It is a digestive stimulant that also acts as an appetizer, and carminative. It is used in Ayurvedic treatments to help with flatulence treatment and possesses antispasmodic, antioxidant anti-inflammatory, hepato-protective, and anthelmintic properties. Though it is primarily an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion problem it also functions to reduce Ama formation making it an ideal supplementary medicine for other disorders that need to reduce Ama.

Sale price₹90
Ashtavargam Kwath (200 ml)

Ashtavargam Kwath is a classical Ayurveda formulation beneficial in rheumatic complaints. It is beneficial in Vata predominant conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and neurological manifestations. Ashtavargam Kwath also helps in relieving numbness and other neurological symptoms associated with Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, etc.

Sale price₹140
Avipathi Choornam (50 gms)Avipathi Choornam (50 gms)
Avipathi Choornam (50 gms)

Upgrade your daily toilet routine and leave behind the discomfort of constipation. Experience a gentle yet powerful solution that restores regularity and puts you back in control of your digestive health introducing Kerala Ayurveda's Avipathi Choornam, the ultimate Ayurvedic gut cleaner. Discover the revitalizing rhythm of your natural gut function. This mild Ayurvedic laxative combines the strength of gentle herbs to cleanse your colon, effectively eliminating toxins. With its natural properties, Avipathi Choornam promotes comfortable and effortless bowel movements. Say goodbye to constipation, irregularity, bloating, and gas, and say hello to a healthier gut. Unleash the detoxifying magic of Avipathi Choornam as it optimizes your intestines, maintains a balanced gut flora, and improves digestion. No more struggling with dry, hard stools or painful bowel movements. Discover the joy of a healthier gut and experience the difference today.

Sale price₹90
Chandraprabha Gulika (50 nos)

Kerala Ayurveda Chandraprabha Gulika is a traditional Ayurvedic tablet sourced from the timeless wisdom of the Ayurveda book, Bhaishajyaratnavali. This natural supplement for kidney health helps manage recurrent urinary tract infections and reduces inflammation. Infused with renal-rejuvenating herbs, this natural diuretic tablet effectively cleanses, safeguards, and maintains the pH balance of the urinary tract. Although Chandraprabha Gulika is recognized as Sarva Roga Pranaashini, capable of curing various ailments, its primary action is on Mutravaha srotas and helps optimize Vata-kapha dosha. Chandraprabha Gulika helps manage dysuria or mutrakrichra, relieves burning sensation during urination, and regulates urine flow. With its laghu and ruksha guna, Chandraprabha Vati helps remove accumulated ama in the mutravaha srothas and decreases excessive moisture (vitiated Kleda). Moreover, the ingredients like Shilajatu and Guggulu have Rasayana properties that help alleviate symptoms associated with prameha or high blood sugar levels.

Sale price₹160
Chiruvilwadi Kwath (200 ml)

Chiruvilwadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic medicine for patients undergoing treatment for piles and fissures offered by Kerala Ayurveda. Piles and fissures are serious problems that can cause pain and discomfort. This Ayurvedic piles medicine is an effective supplement to helping treat the pain and discomfort of piles, fissures, and fistula. This Ayurvedic medicine for piles is prepared per the Ayurvedic classical text, Ashtangahridayam.

Sale price₹175
Chiruvilwadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)Chiruvilwadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)
Chiruvilwadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)

Chiruvilwadi Kwath is used to give you relief from a range of uncomfortable problems that can affect the way you live your life. It is a helpful ayurvedic medicine for piles that enables you to get relief when you have non-bloody piles problem. It is often used as ayurvedic medicine for gas. It works as a complementary ayurvedic treatment for constipation since it helps with proper bowel movements. In addition, it can be used as an ayurvedic medicine to improve digestion for people suffering from a range of digestion-related problems such as indigestion. The goal of the tablet is to pacify kapha and vata doshas.  

Sale price₹600
Dasamoolahareethaki Lehyam (250 gms)

Dasamoolahareethaki is an Ayurvedic laxative and the King of Ayurvedic medicine which helps to treat indigestion and other gastric disorders. It contains Haritaki which is one of the best known herbs for balancing Vata Dosha. Its a natural Ayurvedic laxative and purgative which helps in disposing of undigested food and harmful toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps in strengthening and nourishing tissues and promoting proper functioning of the colon, lungs, liver, and spleen. Haritaki is one of the primary medicines for Vata disturbances. It’s the ideal Ayurvedic medicine for flatulence and splenomegaly. It also helps in treating indigestion, emaciation, and indigestion.

Sale price₹150
Dasamoolajeerakarishta (450 ml)

Dasamoolajeerakarishta is a traditional tonic that is a combination of the Dashamoolarishta and the Jeerakarishtam that can help in the postnatal care for the mother. Dasamoola means ten roots. True to its name, this Ayurvedic medication has the benefit of the ten most potent root ingredients used in Ayurveda. While the Dashamoola ingredients in this medicine offer strength and balance to the Doshas of the expecting and new mother, the Jeerakarishtam helps to relieve all the gastric-related troubles that pregnancy brings. It relieves nausea, improves appetite, and supports proper digestion. Its ingredients are helpful in treating urine-related issues.

Sale price₹200
Dasamoolarishta Arishtam (450 ml)

Kerala Ayurveda Dasamoolarishta is a powerful carminative and digestive formula designed to soothe digestive discomfort and improve gut health. With a unique blend of ten herbs, including Chitraka, Pushkaramoola, Guduchi, Triphala, Jeeraka, etc, Dasamoolarishta eases bloating and indigestion, reduces post-meal heaviness and restores appetite.

Sale price₹190
Dhanwantharam Gulika Tablets (50 nos)

Do you often find yourself feeling uncomfortable and bloated after meals? Are you tired of dealing with digestive issues that impact your daily life and overall well-being? Look no further than Kerala Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Pills. This powerful herbal remedy is a game-changer for those seeking relief from acidity, bloating, and stomach upset. Its unique blend of digestive and carminative herbs is carefully crafted to provide quick and effective relief from digestive discomfort. Say goodbye to heartburn, gurgling, and burping, and hello to a more comfortable and energized you!   Dhanwantharam Pills relieve these nagging digestive issues, help to pacify Vata dosha, enhance digestion and nutritional absorption, and support overall digestive health. Its potent combination of Chitretta, Camphor, Jeera, and other herbs promotes optimal digestive function, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and revitalised.

Sale price₹140
Drakshadi Kwath (200 ml)

Drakshadi Kwath is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that helps to restore the Kapha Pitta balance in the body. It contains key ingredients known to help in the Ayurvedic treatment of anaemia, belching, burning sensation, and fevers. It is named after the main ingredient Draksha which is grapes. It is said to be a good Ayurvedic cure for hangovers and helps the liver to metabolise alcohol. It is also hepatoprotective (protects the liver). It aids proper digestion and relieves flatulence and belching problems. 

Sale price₹180
Gandharvahastadi Castor Oil (100 ml)

Kerala Ayurveda Gandharvahastadi Castor Oil is an Ayurveda oil preparation with laxative property mainly used for internal administration. It helps relieve constipation, abdominal cramps, and distension. It has carminative action and helps stimulate appetite. It is also used in back pain and associated complaints where mild purgation is necessary.

Sale price₹120
Gandharvahasthadi Kwath (200 ml)

Gandharvahasthadi Kwath is an ayurvedic medicine for Vata dosha manufactured by Kerala Ayurveda. This medicine is an ayurvedic medicine that can help in providing relief from constipation. It is very helpful in treating the problem of constipation, which if not treated by constipation medicine can lead to other problems. This Kerala Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is recommended by physicians. It is well-known that Vata Pitta and Kapha are the three doshas in Ayurveda, which if imbalanced can cause disease. The Ayurveda Vata Pitta Kapha dosha imbalance can affect any part of the body causing diseases. The Vata dosha is associated with movement and any imbalance in Vata can cause problems like flatulence, gas, and other digestive related problems. This Kwath has carminative properties that can ease stomach and digestive related problems. It is a Vata dosha treatment that helps restore normal digestion and solves all Vata-related disorders.

Sale price₹130
Guluchyadi Kwath (200 ml)Guluchyadi Kwath (200 ml)
Guluchyadi Kwath (200 ml)

Kerala Ayurveda's Guluchyadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic medicine that is known to help in the ayurvedic treatment of fever and ailments associated with a burning sensation, loss of appetite and vomiting. It also has Pitta-Kapha balancing properties. It is known to be an effective ayurvedic medicine that helps provide relief from burning sensation i.e. in treatment of heartburn, acid reflux, gastritis, nausea and vomiting.  Guduchyadi Kwath is used to help build immunity and can help build resistance to fever  It is an Ayurvedic appetite stimulant syrup  According to Ayurveda, Guluchyadi Kwath is known to reduce vitiation of the Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha.

Sale price₹200
Hinguvachadi Gulika/Pills (50 nos)

Hinguvachadi gulika is a classical Ayurvedic medicine rooted in the ancient Ayurveda recipe book - Sahasrayogam. This Ayurvedic medicine is specifically designed to promote a healthy gut by addressing issues like low appetite, indigestion, and bloating. Expertly infused with carminative and digestive herbs like hingu, pashugandha, dadima, dhanyaka, and dipyaka, Hinguvachadi Pills offer a soothing solution for dyspepsia and hyperacidity. Hinguvachadi Pills work by rebalancing vata-kapha dosha, igniting the metabolic fire (Agni), and enhancing digestion. By revitalizing your digestive system, Hinguvachadi Pills provide long-lasting relief from hyperacidity and bloating. Making Hinguvachadi Pills a part of your daily routine can help alleviate indigestion and low appetite, ultimately supporting healthy weight gain.

Sale price₹165
Indukantha Ghritham (150 ml)Indukantha Ghritham (150 ml)
Indukantha Ghritham (150 ml)

Indukantha Ghritham is a classical Ayurvedic ghee formulation crafted from an ancient Malayalam recipe book, Sahasrayogam. Its name, 'Indukantha,' mirrors the luminosity of the moon. When sickness dims your inner light, Indukantha Ghritham is here to reignite it, fortifying your immunity and quickly replenishing your energy, much like a radiant full moon illuminating the dark sky. This herbal-infused ghee invigorates your digestion and metabolism, aiding in weight regain after an illness. Suitable for children and adults who often fall ill, Indukantha Ghritham is a potent immunity enhancer. Ghee carries a remarkable quality known as 'Samskarasya Anuvartanat,' which absorbs the goodness of added herbs without losing its benefits. Infused with nourishing, immunity-strengthening herbs, Indukantha Ghritham promotes healthy weight gain. Let it help your inner light shine more brightly than ever before.

Sale price₹250
Indukantha Gritham Capsule

Indukanta Ghritam is an Ayurvedic formulation available in the form of medicated ghee and as a capsule. In Sanskrit Indu means ‘Moon’ and Kanta’ means ‘Lustre’, thus Indukanta means glow and lustre of the Moon. This medically treated capsule helps to  correct metabolism and is found to be helpful in establishing lost immunity. This immunity boosting ayurvedic medicine is also one of the prescriptions to help heal individuals from chronic fevers and many other conditions.  This is a medicated ghee containing Dashmula and many other medicinal herbs and indicated in the treatment of weakness, chronic fever, vata roga, tuberculosis and peptic ulcer. It is a useful medicine for improving appetite, digestion and curing abdominal diseases. It is prescribed to be an excellent remedy for treating cough in old age. Since it is a ghee based medicine, it increases strength and immunity of the body. Indukantha Gritham is a formulation referred to in the text of Sahasrayogam in the context of Gritha yogam. It is a potent formulation which helps to enhance immunity with special indication in respiratory disorders and recurrent fevers. Antioxidants play a significant role in improving the immunity and thereby in combating these conditions. Indukantha Gritham capsules are a poly herbal medicated ghee preparation containing  an ideal combination of herbs, such as Putikaranja, Devadaru, Dasamoola, Trikatu, Chitraka and Saindhava which are said to nourish the mucosa of GIT and provide immunity, strength and resistance to the body.  This Ayurvedic medicine for fever  retains all the activities of the classical Indukantha Ghritham in capsule form and is classically one of the prescriptions to treat fever and other abdominal disorders. It also helps to relieve bloating, abdominal distention, and loss of appetite. Indukantha Ghritham capsule retains all the activities of the classical Indukantha Ghritham but in the capsule form, ie. It is known to work well as an immunomodulator, antipyretic, anti-ulcerogenic, and also as a digestive and laxative.  

Sale price₹700
Indukantham Kwath (200 ml)

Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath is an ayurvedic medicine for gastro care, constipation, dyspepsia and gas trouble. The medicine acts as a laxative, carminative and helps with digestive problems, rheumatic diseases, distention, flatulence of abdomen, hyperacidity, retrosternal pain, intermittent fever.

Sale price₹140
Indukantham Kwath Tablets (100 nos)
Indukantham Kwath Tablets (100 nos)

Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath tablet is a perfect solution to boost your respiratory immunity. Derived from the ancient Ayurvedic ghee formulation, Indukantha Ghritham, this natural immune booster tablet is rooted in the wisdom of Sahasrayogam, an esteemed Ayurvedic text. Like the radiant moonlight, the name 'Indukantha' symbolizes its ability to reignite your inner light when illness tries to dim it. Experience a fortified immunity and quick energy replenishment, like a luminous full moon illuminating the darkest of skies. Suitable for people who are prone to frequent illnesses, Indukantham Kwath Tablet enhances defense against respiratory infections, providing multi-level immunity. It promotes respiratory wellness, accelerates infection recovery, and offers long-term benefits. Choose Indukantham Kwath Tablet today and let your respiratory health fly to new heights.

Sale price₹430
Jathyadi Ghritham (10 gms)

Jathyadi Ghritham is an Ayurvedic preparation that has a combination of herbs that make it an excellent wound-healing cream. Its skin-soothing and moisturising properties make it a lip balm for dry lips, ointment for breast cracks and a foot crack cream. It’s a multi-purpose natural wound healing cream made of traditionally used Ayurvedic ingredients. It is very useful for application to heal non-healing wounds. This medicine is in a ghee base and is a fragrant and effective balm for application on damaged or cracked skin areas. 

Sale price₹60
Jeerakarishta Arishtam (450 ml)

Childbirth is a transformative phase for women that comes with bitter-sweet experiences. Most women develop chronic health complications, such as bloating and indigestion. These health concerns are detrimental to the mother’s well-being and often affect her relationship with the baby. Jeerakarishta by Kerala Ayurveda is a herbal decoction with cumin seeds as the main ingredient. Taking Jeerakarishta after delivery can help prevent digestive concerns and speed up postpartum recovery. By managing the symptoms of bloating and achieving optimal digestive health, new mothers can sleep better and take good care of their babies. Women can also benefit from Jeerakarishta during pregnancy, as many Ayurveda practitioners recommend this Ayurvedic medicine for acidity in pregnancy. Our Jeerakarishta is 100% natural and contains no chemicals or artificial colors. You can rest assured that this postpartum digestive tonic can offer long-lasting results without any significant side effects. Buy Jeerakarishta online from Kerala Ayurveda at flat shipping rates across India. For peace of mind, we also offer 100% replacement guaranteed returns within 30 days.

Sale price₹245
Karpooradi Choornam (50 gms)

Karpooradi Choornam The uncomfortable feeling you get in your belly after a meal or the burning sensation you feel on your upper abdomen is caused due to indigestion. Modern lifestyle and irregular eating habits can trigger indigestion and vomiting sensation. Karpooradi Choornam is your natural way to get instant relief from indigestion and vomiting problems. 

Sale price₹85
Kumaryasava Asava (450 ml)Kumaryasava Asava (450 ml)
Kumaryasava Asava (450 ml)

Being a woman in a patriarchal world is tough. Often bogged down disproportionately by family and work commitments, they ignore taking care of their health. At their reproductive age, women are biologically tuned to bleed for a few days every month. They need adequate rest and nourishment to recuperate. However, stress, unhealthy eating habits, poor sleep, and hereditary issues often cause hormonal disorders. PCOS is one such hormonal disorder where excessive male hormones are produced in a woman, leading to ovaries, making many eggs that won't mature and ovulate, leading to cysts. Kerala Ayurveda Kumaryasava, with the goodness of Kumari or aloe vera, is ideal for irregular and painful cycles and hormonal imbalances. Restore your healthy and happy periods with the goodness of Aloe vera, Calcined Iron, Bala, Trikatu, and Triphala in an enriching herbal tonic formulation.

Sale price₹175
Kutajarishta (450 ml)

Kerala Ayurveda’s Kutajarishta is a product used in the Ayurvedic treatment of upset stomach. The medicine is anti-dysenteric and helpful in loose motion associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) treatment. Kutajarishta syrup also helps to improve digestion. This ayurvedic medicine for loose motion helps treat various kinds of stomach ailments. Stomach upsets, digestive problems, piles, sprues, and intestinal parasites are problems that can be treated using this medicine. It is astringent and helps in improving wellness naturally.

Sale price₹180
Laxinol-H Capsule (100 nos)

Kerala Ayurveda Laxinol-H Capsule is a non-habit-forming laxative that helps manage habitual constipation. It also relieves flatulence and bloating and regulates bowel movements. Laxinol- H capsules It is devoid of gastric irritation and helps in smooth evacuation regularly.

Sale price₹500
Mahathikthaka Ghritham (150 ml)

Skin problems can crop up out of nowhere. One day, you wake up and find rashes on your skin. You wonder what you ate or did last night that led to this. Before you can process what just happened, panic takes over. Don’t worry. The solution is just a click away. Kerala Ayurveda’s Mahathikthaka Ghritham is an Ayurvedic medicine for dermatitis and other skin-related issues. The herbal ingredients in Mahathikthaka Ghritham promote cell regeneration to treat dry, flaky skin and ease irritation. You can also take this Ayurvedic medicine for boils treatment.

Sale price₹275