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195 products

Manasamithra Vatakam Gulika (25 nos)

Discover the secret to a peaceful mind and emotional well-being with Kerala Ayurveda Manasamithra Vatakam. This natural calming formulation is a potent blend of herbs that soothe the channels of the mind or manovaha srotas and help it adapt to stress, promoting restful sleep. Unlike other stress-relieving supplements, our non-drowsy formula supports deep, uninterrupted sleep without causing drowsiness or habit-forming effects.  The soothing herbs in Manasamithra Vatakam work to calm your mind, promote relaxation, and ease tension,  leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed each morning. At Kerala Ayurveda, we believe that mental health is just as important as physical health. With Manasamithravatakam, you can achieve balance, inner calm, and emotional well-being. Try it today and experience the power of Ayurveda for yourself.

Sale price₹375
Manjishtadi Kwath (200 ml)Manjishtadi Kwath (200 ml)
Manjishtadi Kwath (200 ml)

Everyone loves to have flawless and even-toned skin. Many skin care products for external application range from creams to peels, and people use what they trust the most. But what if your skin’s ailment is not entirely external and visible? The accumulated toxins in your blood could be one reason for acne, pimples, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and age spots. Using topical skin products alone may not give you the desired result when toxins are still in your blood. Ayurveda prescribes Manjishta as a raktashodhaka or a blood purifier herb for detoxification. Kerala Ayurveda Manjishtadi Kwath with the goodness of Manjishta and other kanti vardhak or complexion-enhancing herbs like Three dried fruits or Triphala, Giloy, or Guduchi, Neem or Nimba, and Turmeric or Nisa helps to flush out accumulated toxin in your blood and makes your skin healthy and supple from within.

Sale price₹175
  • Best Choice
Mathrukalpam (500 gms)

Mathrukalpam from Kerala Ayurveda is a delicious and highly nutritive rejuvenating tonic for nursing mothers. Enriched with milk yam, dates, and other herbal ingredients, It helps improve lactation, enhance immunity, and tone the uterine muscles, improving uterine health. Mathrukalpam also helps rebuild energy, strengthen bones, and naturally replenish lost essential nutrients.

Sale price₹450
Menovin Tablet (100 nos)Menovin Tablet (100 nos)
Menovin Tablet (100 nos)

A natural and holistic approach to minimize perimenopausal symptoms. Kerala Ayurveda Menovin tablet helps relieve symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It helps restore hormonal balance and reduce vaginal dryness thus providing a safe alternative for hormone balance formulations.

Sale price₹500
100 Ml100 Ml
Murivenna Thailam (Oil)

Murivenna from Kerala Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic first-aid oil that helps manage injuries and promote healing wounds. Enriched with betel leaves, Indian shallots, and aloe vera, Murivenna supports bone and joint health and is beneficial in sprains, spasms, and fractures. It also helps accelerate wound healing and fast relief in superficial burns, bruises, cuts, and wounds.

Sale price₹370
Mustharishta (450 ml)

Mustharishta is an Ayurvedic medicine for indigestion that also prevents the formation of Ama in the body. It is also an Ayurvedic medicine for dysentery and diarrhoea and one of the most recommended medicines for fever in adults made from natural ingredients.

Sale price₹160
  • Best Choice
Myaxyl Balm (10 gms)

If you are suffering from headaches or joint pain, and are looking for a solution to your problem, Ayurveda can help you. Kerala Ayurveda’s Myaxyl ayurvedic balm can be very helpful in providing relief from aches and pains. Myaxyl balm is especially known to help headaches and cold in children. The soothing effect of the balm helps relieve headaches and blocked noses in children. Applying this balm allows you to treat the headache easily. Kids, adults, and the elderly all can benefit from Myaxyl balm. It can treat congestion, cold, and sinusitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties that make it suitable even for treating joint pain and pain in the muscles. The balm can be applied on the forehead or the affected part and massaged gently. It should not be rubbed vigorously. Prepared as per the classical texts, this is a medicine everyone must have in their homes.

Sale price₹60
  • Best Choice
Myaxyl Capsules (100 nos)

Myaxyl™ capsule is a rapid acting proprietary analgesic and anti-inflammatory formulation recommended for joint pain, stiffness and cervical spondylitis. Non-gastric irritant, Myaxyl Capsule maintains inflammatory levels within normal range and improves joint mobility. Myaxyl Capsules are used to help give relief from a range of bone problems and joint problems. They are used as ayurvedic medicine for cervical spondylosis. These work as joint care ayurvedic tablets too since they help strengthen the bones and joints. They help promote bone health and improve bone flexibility. You can take the ayurvedic tablet for joint pain since the capsules help give relief from pain that is caused due to weakened joints or stiff joints. The capsules help detoxify too. Myaxyl Capsules help relieve muscle pain too. The capsules have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The herbs in each capsule help fight against any bone-related problem that already exists and enables bones to become stronger. This helps the bones and joints to function optimally so that further damage is prevented. The capsules have ingredients that help promote healing. Myaxyl Capsules help balance pitta, kapha, and vata imbalances that create any type of discomfort.

Sale price₹800
  • Best Choice
Myaxyl Cream (20gms)

Myaxyl Cream from Kerala Ayurveda is a non-sticky formula cream that can be used as an external herbal application for joint pain. It’s often seen as ayurvedic medicine for swelling because it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Many bones, joint, and muscle disorders have associated symptoms that can cause excruciating pain and swelling. The cream helps to soothe these symptoms and to provide relief from them. The Myaxyl Cream is an ayurvedic medicine for joint stiffness because it helps promote healing. It has helped improve mobility and help nourish joint tissues. The cream possesses herbs that help to improve circulation so that the joint heals faster. Another benefit of this cream is that it can be used as ayurvedic medicine for a sprain. It has been shown to reduce symptoms such as numbness, pain, and swelling.

Sale price₹80
Myaxyl Oil

Myaxyl Oil from Kerala Ayurveda provides instant and long-term pain relief from joint, muscle, and back pain, sprains, and sports injuries. The non-greasy and not-sticky oil restores muscles, strengthens joints, and relieves joint stiffness, along with improving joint flexibility and mobility.

Sale price₹460
Nalpamaradi Keram (Oil)

Kerala Ayurveda Nalpamaradi Keram is a skin-brightening oil for the face and body. Enriched with the goodness of Nalpamara, it brightens dull skin, repairs pigmentation and environmental damage, promotes even skin tone, and aids natural glow.

Sale price₹180
Narasimha Rasayanam Ghritham (200 gms)

Narasimha Rasayanam promotes hair and beard growth in men. In Ayurveda, Rasayanam is the science of preventing disease and protecting and rejuvenating the tissues. Narasimha Rasayanam is an Ayurvedic formulation that is a medicated butter. Ayurvedic texts state that it is known to treat hair thinning and scalp infections that inhibit the growth of hair follicles. It has been used in many ayurvedic treatments, such as Panchakarma, helping support overall health and aid in regenerating hair follicles.

Sale price₹265
Navajeevan Rasayanam (100 gms)

Kerala Ayurveda Navjeevan Rasayanam can be your all-natural way to fight respiratory disorders! A proprietary formulation, Navajeevanrasayanam is a herbo-mineral preparation which has proven efficacy in respiratory complications. It has the Power of Potent Ingredients like Gambhari, Bilwa, Gokshura and Brihati among others that makes it so Effective in Respiratory Disorders. The Best part is that Navajeevanrasayanam is Free from Sedation as well as Gastric Irritation and does not even cause Constipation! Navajeevanrasayanam can be your All-natural Way to Fight Respiratory Disorders! A Proprietary Formulation, Navajeevanrasayanam is a Herbo-mineral Preparation which has Proven Efficacy in Respiratory Complications. A Rasayanam for Bronchial Disorders, it is Effective in Cases of Chronic Cough, Bronchitis, Bronchial Spasm 

Sale price₹150
Neelibringadi Keram (Oil 200 ml)

Kerala Ayurveda Neelibringadi Keram is a luxurious Ayurvedic hair oil that promotes hair growth and improves hair quality. Infused with the goodness of Neeli, Bhringaraja, Amla, and nourishing milk, Neelibringadi Keram helps reduce hair fall and minimizes premature greying of hair and dandruff. It also minimizes split ends, calms the mind, and is beneficial in curing male pattern baldness.

Sale price₹350
Nimbadi Kwath (200 ml)Nimbadi Kwath (200 ml)
Nimbadi Kwath (200 ml)

Nimbadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic skin treatment formulation that can help in the treatment of boils and carbuncles. It is also good for patients with diabetic carbuncles. The herbs that are used in the Nimbadi Kwath help to relieve the pain and inflammation and restore the skin to good health. The key ingredient is Neem which is a popular and effective component of Ayurvedic products for the skin.

Sale price₹135
Nimbadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)Nimbadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)
Nimbadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)

An increasing number of people across the world have started to understand the principles of Ayurveda and the role played by doshas in holistic health. This has led to a newfound interest in Ayurvedic medicine for Vata-Pitta-Kapha balance. In this context, Nimbadi Kwath Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine for Kapha-Pitta balance balancing that contains Neem and other herbal ingredients. It is said to be helpful in the ayurvedic treatment of skin-related ailments.

Sale price₹450
Nisakathakadi Kwath (200 ml)

Nisakathakadi Kwath is a supplementary ayurvedic medicine that can help in the treatment of diabetes from Kerala Ayurveda that has helped many patients reduce their blood sugar levels. It is an ayurvedic medicine for diabetes type 1. as well as ayurvedic medicine for diabetes type 2. Whatever may be the problem, reducing blood sugar is important. When you undergo hypoglycemia treatment in Ayurveda, this is one of the recommended medicines that can help during the journey. Prediabetes is an early stage of diabetes, where blood sugar is at borderline levels. It is important to take ayurvedic medicine for prediabetes so that the disease is nipped in the bud. Nisakathakadi Kwath is an ayurvedic medicine that can help regulate sugar levels that are used in the ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. 

Sale price₹150
Nisakathakadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)Nisakathakadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)
Nisakathakadi Kwath Tablet (100 nos)

High blood sugar levels can lead to many health issues and cause symptoms of grave concern. For instance, high blood sugar may cause swollen feet, excessive thirst, polyuria (the frequent urge to urinate), and low energy levels. To help reduce the symptoms of high blood sugar, Kerala Ayurveda offers a 100% natural medicine with minimal side effects Nisakathakadi Kwath tablets. These high blood sugar control tablets contain potent ingredients that help manage glucose levels in the blood and, thus, improve the symptoms of diabetes.

Sale price₹430
Normact Tablet (100 nos)Normact Tablet (100 nos)
Normact Tablet (100 nos)

Normact tablet is a proprietary anti-hypertensive formulation that helps manage elevated blood pressure. Infused with natural anti-oxidants and cardioprotective herbs, the tablets help optimize blood sodium levels and improve blood circulation.

Sale price₹500
Ostoact Tablet (100 nos)

Maintain Healthy Bones, Naturally Ostoact Tablet is a unique proprietary formulation designed to maintain healthy bones through optimal calcium and natural mineral supplementation. It is useful in osteoporosis and degenerative conditions of the bones. The Phyto-ingredients of Ostoact™ helps reduce bone fragility, improve bone strength & bone mineral density and restore normal composition of bones.

Sale price₹600
Panchagavya Ghritham (150 ml)

Panchagavya Ghritham is a medicated ghee formulation beneficial in emotional and neurological disorders. An effective psychotropic, Panchagavya ghritham is beneficial in calming the mind and dealing with stress. The medicated ghee infused with several potent ingredients also promotes sleep. The hepato-protective and antipyretic action of Panchagavya ghritham make it beneficial in Jaundice and Fever too.

Sale price₹275
Parthadyarishta (450 ml)

Parthdyarishta by Kerala Ayurveda is an ayurvedic heart tonic which is known to help improve blood circulation and useful in Hridaya (meaning the heart) and phupusa ( meaning lungs) Roga (Disorders). It can help patients who are undergoing treatment for anaemia, cardiac, respiratory, spleen, and liver diseases. It is known to improve the efficiency of heart functioning by helping strengthen the heart muscles. It is beneficial in hoping to manage blood pressure levels in the human body. It also can help prevent the chances of heart attack by reducing cholesterol & triglyceride levels in the body.

Sale price₹180
Pathyashadangam Kwath (200 ml)

When one has a headache it is the easiest thing to just pop a pill and go on with our day. But Ayurvedic treatment does not just address the symptom and aims to treat the root of the problem. Pathyashadangam Kwath is an Ayurvedic medicine used to help in experiencing relief from migraines. It is also known to be useful in the treatment of sinusitis headache and Trigeminal neuralgia. The Pathyashadangam Kwath is a headache treatment aid that helps treat all pain in the face area and also improves vision and night blindness. It helps to calm aggravated Kapha and Pitta related problems.

Sale price₹140
Patolakatukurohinyadi Kwath (200 ml)

Patolakatukurohinyadi Kwath is a classical Ayurveda decoction beneficial in skin diseases with Pitta predominance. It helps relieve high body temperature, toxic conditions and poisoning effects in the body. Patulakatukurohinyadi Kwath supports the healthy functions of the liver and is thus also beneficial in Jaundice. It also helps with digestive activity and aids relief from vomiting and anorexia. Patolakatukurohinyadi Kwath supports digestive activity and thus helps relieve anorexia and vomiting. Patolakaturohinyadi Kwath helps pacify morbid Kapha and Pitta doshas in the body.It also helps reduce the severity of skin diseases, especially those with Pitta predominance

Sale price₹310
Patolamooladi Kwath (200 ml)

Patolamooladi Kwath is a classical herbal decoction beneficial in various types of skin diseases. Ingredients like Patola (Trichosanthes cucumerina) present in Patolamooladi Kwath supports smooth bowel movements. The intake of Patolamooladi Kwath also helps in recovering from liver diseases, toxic conditions of the skin, chronic fever, acute hemorrhoids, etc.

Sale price₹210
Pilogest Capsule (100 nos)

Combat Piles and Fistula, Naturally Pilogest Capsule is an effective proprietary oral supplement for piles, bleeding piles, and fistula. It helps reduce bleeding, inflammation, associated pain and discomfort. The Phyto-ingredients of Pilogest™, besides arresting bleeding piles, also helps improve digestion and promote natural bowel evacuation, preventing constipation.

Sale price₹650
Pinda Thailam (Oil)

Kerala Ayurveda Pinda Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that addresses the symptoms of gout and varicose veins. The product minimizes the burning sensation, pain, stiffness, redness, swelling, and other discomforts associated with gout and arthritis. Massaging the foot with Pinda Thailam helps relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, including aches, cramps, and itching.

Sale price₹375
Prasaranyadi Kwath (200 ml)

Prasaranyadi Kwath is a classical Ayurveda formulation in decoction form, beneficial in joint disorders and musculoskeletal problems. It possesses anti-rheumatic and carminative properties that are primarily used in the ayurvedic treatment of joint pain, neck and shoulder pain, and other musculoskeletal problems. Prasaranyadi Kwath is formulated specifically for the needs of active men, women, and seniors. It acts as a natural analgesic and muscle relaxant. It boosts immunity and fortifies joints which makes it easy for a person to carry out their day-to-day activities.

Sale price₹150
Promactil capsule (100 nos)Promactil capsule (100 nos)
Promactil capsule (100 nos)

Kerala Ayurveda Promactil Capsule is an Ayurvedic formulation to aid relief in male fertility and build strength and stamina. Infused with the goodness of Ashwagandha, Atmagupta, and Guduchi, Promactil capsules help maintain healthy sperm counts, boost hormonal balance, and promote overall reproductive health in men.

Sale price₹900
Prostact Tablets (100 nos)

Prostact tablets from Kerala Ayurveda help maintain prostate health naturally. They support the normal flow of urine and maintain optimal zinc levels in the body. Prostact tablets are also beneficial in urinary incontinence and benign prostate hypertrophy.

Sale price₹600