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Nostrils are known as Shirodhara or the gateway to the head in Ayurveda. The nose is also the entry point of the vital breath or Prana vayu, which is crucial in maintaining vitality and mental clarity. According to Ayurveda, instilling herbal oils or Nasya is one of the essential holistic self-care practices that encourages healthy Prana flow and internal detoxification. Nasya helps to lubricate the nasal passages and clean out excess mucus from the sinuses. This helps reduce the frequency of sinusitis, allergies, and nasal congestion. Kerala Ayurveda Anu Thailam is made with Kapha balancing ingredients such as Leptadenia or Jivanti, Liquorice or Yashtimadhu, Fragrant Swamp Mallow or Hrivera & Indian bael or Bilva, and other herbs processed in goat’s milk and sesame oil. It helps clear the accumulated doshas from the nasal passage and enables you to breathe better!
Winter Must Have
Amruthotharam Kwath is an Ayurvedic formulation that is used to smooth over digestive problems & infection. It’s an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion problems and is made of herbs that reduce stomach discomfort and pain. It’s a digestive tonic Ayurvedic that helps in healing metabolic error. This is wisely designed by the vaidyas in the text Sahasrayogam consisting of three ingredients: Amruta, Hareetaki and nagara and is also known as nagaradikashayam.It acts as anti-pyretic, immune-booster and anti-microbial herb and also has carminative It is known to cure fever caused due to aggravation of all the three doshas.
Winter Must Have
Amruthotharam kwath is a classical Ayurvedic medicine rooted in the ancient Malayalam Ayurveda recipe book - Sahasrayogam. It is also known as Nagaradi kwath. It contains deepana or carminative herbs that help in amapachana or metabolizing accumulated toxins. Usually, kasayas are not indicated in the early stages of high body temperature. Still, Amruthotharam Kwath has a unique formula that can be used even in the early stages of high body temperature. This excellent medicine for high temperature not only helps to optimize the body temperature but also helps to relieve indigestion, bloating, and other pitta-aggravated conditions
It is common for one to experience weakness, lack of appetite, and body pain after an illness. Our body requires time to remove all accumulated toxins altogether and recuperate. These accumulated toxins may delay natural healing by weakening the digestive fire, leading to protracted fatigue. Amrutha, an Ayurvedic herb meaning ‘heavenly elixir’ in Sanskrit, is a potent drug used to cleanse the body, enhance immunity, and expedite natural healing. Kerala Ayurveda Amrutharishta, with the goodness of Amrutha, is an ideal solution to relieve post-illness symptoms and strengthen your immunity. It has herbs like Root of ten herbs or Dasamoola, Giloy or Amrutha, Cumin or Jeeraka, Nutgrass or Musta, and Indian fumitory or Parpata that help restore energy levels and return to our routine quickly.
Winter Must Have
Ajamamsa Rasayanam is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine made of goat meat which is known for the treatment of various types of respiratory conditions. Ajamamsarasayanam also helps in increasing the strength of the bones and strengthening the muscles of the body. It is available in jam form and can also experience relief from flatulence. It is prepared in both herbal ghee or herbal jam form. Ajamamsa means goat meat. It is a non-vegetarian medicine.
Have you been struggling to find a reliable solution to your persistent cough and cold? Are your cough and wheezing aggravating at night and early morning? All these show poor lung health. Infection of the respiratory tract comprising all organs involved in breathing leads to symptoms like cough with phlegm, sore throat, cold, and sneezing. Are you seeking lasting relief from these symptoms and the overall well-being of your respiratory system? Kerala Ayurveda Agasthyarasayanam is a classical formulation perfect for resolving respiratory health issues. It is a synergetic blend of lung-friendly herbs like Chebulic myrobalan or Harithaki, Cowhage or Atmagupta, Morning glory or Shankhupushpi, Prickly chaff flower or Apamarga, Leadwort or Chitraka, Blue glory or Bharangi, Long pepper or Pippali, Jaggery, and Honey. It helps to boost immunity and vitality, facilitates lung detox, and keeps your respiratory system healthy and happy.