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Winter Must Have
Amruthotharam kwath is a classical Ayurvedic medicine rooted in the ancient Malayalam Ayurveda recipe book - Sahasrayogam. It is also known as Nagaradi kwath. It contains deepana or carminative herbs that help in amapachana or metabolizing accumulated toxins. Usually, kasayas are not indicated in the early stages of high body temperature. Still, Amruthotharam Kwath has a unique formula that can be used even in the early stages of high body temperature. This excellent medicine for high temperature not only helps to optimize the body temperature but also helps to relieve indigestion, bloating, and other pitta-aggravated conditions
Winter Must Have
Amruthotharam Kwath is an Ayurvedic formulation that is used to smooth over digestive problems & infection. It’s an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion problems and is made of herbs that reduce stomach discomfort and pain. It’s a digestive tonic Ayurvedic that helps in healing metabolic error. This is wisely designed by the vaidyas in the text Sahasrayogam consisting of three ingredients: Amruta, Hareetaki and nagara and is also known as nagaradikashayam.It acts as anti-pyretic, immune-booster and anti-microbial herb and also has carminative It is known to cure fever caused due to aggravation of all the three doshas.
Aragwadadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic formulation that helps in the fast and optimum healing of deep wounds and skin diseases. This preparation contains powerful herbs that can help treat a wide range of skin issues including eczema, scabies, ringworm infection and non-healing wounds.
Ashtavargam Kwath is a classical Ayurveda formulation beneficial in rheumatic complaints. It is beneficial in Vata predominant conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and neurological manifestations. Ashtavargam Kwath also helps in relieving numbness and other neurological symptoms associated with Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, etc.
Ashtavargam Kwath Tablet is a modified dosage form of classical Ayurveda formulation- Ashtavargam Kwath, beneficial in rheumatic complaints. It is beneficial in Vata predominant conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and neurological manifestations. Ashtavargam Kwath tablet also helps in relieving numbness and other neurological symptoms associated with Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, etc.
Balaguluchyadi Kwath is beneficial in reducing the symptoms associated with rheumatic conditions. Intake of Balaguluchyadi Kwath is beneficial in arthritis conditions associated with the burning sensation, swelling, and pain. It helps pacify vitiated Vata dosha.
Winter Must Have
Brahatyadi kwath is an herbal medicine used in healing diseases of the urinary system. The intake of Brahatyadi Kwath helps relieve pain and burning micturition and other diseases affecting the urinary tract. Brahatyadi Kwath helps in eliminating urinary and renal calculi and the symptoms associated with it. Brahatyadi Kwath helps promote the health of kidneys as a nephroprotective and provides relief from kidney related problems.
Chiruvilwadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic medicine for patients undergoing treatment for piles and fissures offered by Kerala Ayurveda. Piles and fissures are serious problems that can cause pain and discomfort. This Ayurvedic piles medicine is an effective supplement to helping treat the pain and discomfort of piles, fissures, and fistula. This Ayurvedic medicine for piles is prepared per the Ayurvedic classical text, Ashtangahridayam.
Chiruvilwadi Kwath is used to give you relief from a range of uncomfortable problems that can affect the way you live your life. It is a helpful ayurvedic medicine for piles that enables you to get relief when you have non-bloody piles problem. It is often used as ayurvedic medicine for gas. It works as a complementary ayurvedic treatment for constipation since it helps with proper bowel movements. In addition, it can be used as an ayurvedic medicine to improve digestion for people suffering from a range of digestion-related problems such as indigestion. The goal of the tablet is to pacify kapha and vata doshas.
Dasamoolakaduthrayam Kwath is a herbal decoction that is prepared according to the classical Ayurvedic texts. It contains powerful ingredients that are useful in Ayurvedic treatment for cough and cold. When a person has respiratory diseases that cause congestion due to excessive mucus formation, the person may experience difficulty in breathing. This Ayurvedic medicine has powerful ingredients that are known to enhance the heat in the body in order to reduce excessive congestion.
Dasamoolakaduthrayam Kwath Tablet is a form of the Dasamoolakaduthrayam Kashayam. This kashayam is known to be widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment for cough and cold. In the tablet form, this medicine retains its original efficacy but is more convenient to store and use.
Winter Must Have
Dasamoolam Kwath is a combination of 10 rare herbs used in ayurvedic medicine for curing various conditions related to nerves, muscles, and joints. The medicine has its name derived from Sanskrit, Dash which means Ten and Mool means Roots. Its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-rheumatic, analgesic, sedative, and distress boost the production of hormones in the body which may help relieve stress.
Kerala Ayurveda Dhanwantharam Kwath is an Ayurveda formulation that helps relieve Vata disorders and postnatal difficulties in women. It helps in reducing the symptoms associated with degenerating diseases, rheumatic complaints, trauma, etc. It also proves beneficial in vaginal problems, painful micturition and helps restore natural strength after delivery.
Dhanwantharam Kwath Tablet helps reduce the symptoms associated with degenerating diseases, rheumatic complaints, trauma, etc. It also proves beneficial in vaginal complaints, painful micturition and helps restore natural strength after delivery. It helps reduce symptoms like numbness, muscle wasting, etc. associated with rheumatic complaints, degenerative disorders, trauma, motor neuron disease, etc.
Drakshadi Kwath is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that helps to restore the Kapha Pitta balance in the body. It contains key ingredients known to help in the Ayurvedic treatment of anaemia, belching, burning sensation, and fevers. It is named after the main ingredient Draksha which is grapes. It is said to be a good Ayurvedic cure for hangovers and helps the liver to metabolise alcohol. It is also hepatoprotective (protects the liver). It aids proper digestion and relieves flatulence and belching problems.
Gandharvahasthadi Kwath is an ayurvedic medicine for Vata dosha manufactured by Kerala Ayurveda. This medicine is an ayurvedic medicine that can help in providing relief from constipation. It is very helpful in treating the problem of constipation, which if not treated by constipation medicine can lead to other problems. This Kerala Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is recommended by physicians. It is well-known that Vata Pitta and Kapha are the three doshas in Ayurveda, which if imbalanced can cause disease. The Ayurveda Vata Pitta Kapha dosha imbalance can affect any part of the body causing diseases. The Vata dosha is associated with movement and any imbalance in Vata can cause problems like flatulence, gas, and other digestive related problems. This Kwath has carminative properties that can ease stomach and digestive related problems. It is a Vata dosha treatment that helps restore normal digestion and solves all Vata-related disorders.
Gulguluthikthakam Kwath is a well-known Ayurvedic liquid supplement for joint pain and other inflammatory conditions including skin diseases. This herbal concoction is prepared with the oleo-resin gum Guggul that is well-known as a bio-enhancer and Panchatikta-the five bitter herbs- such as Neem and Guduchi that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in treatment for gout and can be supplemented with external Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments to provide good relief from joint pain. With a superior blend of pain-relieving herbs prepared according to the ancient Vedic recipe of Gulguluthikthakam ghee derived from the Ashtanga Hridaya, this herbal decoction maintains joint and skin health, lowers cholesterol levels, and is a powerful nervine tonic. It is also used in managing obesity, uterine fibroids and helps in the quicker healing of chronic ulcers. It is useful in treating Cervical and Lumbar spondylosis and other afflictions of bones and skin with associated vitiation of Kapha and Vata dosha. It gives symptomatic relief in skin afflictions like Psoriasis, hives, boils, scabies and dermatitis due to its ability to purify the blood, strengthen digestion and promote skin rejuvenation. It should be used with caution in people having a history of gastritis or those having a sensitive stomach.
Gulguluthikthakam Kwath Tablet is an Ayurvedic tablet for joint pain. It is also a natural treatment for gout and can be supplemented with external treatments. Gout treatment tablets have a better effect when combined with dietary restrictions and weight management. The Gulguluthikthakam Kwath Tablet is an Ayurvedic formulation of joint care Ayurvedic tablets. It’s also a natural cure for gout. Joint pain treatment in Ayurveda is to be supplemented with a proper diet plan.
Kerala Ayurveda's Guluchyadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic medicine that is known to help in the ayurvedic treatment of fever and ailments associated with a burning sensation, loss of appetite and vomiting. It also has Pitta-Kapha balancing properties. It is known to be an effective ayurvedic medicine that helps provide relief from burning sensation i.e. in treatment of heartburn, acid reflux, gastritis, nausea and vomiting. Guduchyadi Kwath is used to help build immunity and can help build resistance to fever It is an Ayurvedic appetite stimulant syrup According to Ayurveda, Guluchyadi Kwath is known to reduce vitiation of the Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha.
Do you feel sleepy and tired even after a good night’s sleep? Are you experiencing frequent irritability, profound sweating, and changes in bowel habits? If so, the underlying reason may be in your thyroid! Kerala Ayurveda Hamsapadadi Kwath is an excellent classical formulation for regulating your thyroid hormones and TSH. It perfectly blends five thyroid-friendly herbs: Walking maidenhair fern or Hamsapadi, Malabar nut or Vasa, Giloy or Guduchi, Neem or Nimba, & Long pepper or Pippali. It is a wonderful herbal tonic to balance thyroid function and combat thyroid dysfunctions.
Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath is an ayurvedic medicine for gastro care, constipation, dyspepsia and gas trouble. The medicine acts as a laxative, carminative and helps with digestive problems, rheumatic diseases, distention, flatulence of abdomen, hyperacidity, retrosternal pain, intermittent fever.
Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath tablet is a perfect solution to boost your respiratory immunity. Derived from the ancient Ayurvedic ghee formulation, Indukantha Ghritham, this natural immune booster tablet is rooted in the wisdom of Sahasrayogam, an esteemed Ayurvedic text. Like the radiant moonlight, the name 'Indukantha' symbolizes its ability to reignite your inner light when illness tries to dim it. Experience a fortified immunity and quick energy replenishment, like a luminous full moon illuminating the darkest of skies. Suitable for people who are prone to frequent illnesses, Indukantham Kwath Tablet enhances defense against respiratory infections, providing multi-level immunity. It promotes respiratory wellness, accelerates infection recovery, and offers long-term benefits. Choose Indukantham Kwath Tablet today and let your respiratory health fly to new heights.
Kokilakshakam Kwath is a 100% natural ayurvedic formulation that offers relief from joint pain and inflammation. Kokilshakam Kwath is made with essential herbs that have antihepatotoxic and antibacterial properties. It promotes general health and immunity and plays a crucial role in managing joint-related issues.
While there are many syrups for blood purification, Ayurveda has one of the best remedies for blood purification -- Mahamanjisthadi Kwath. Packed with effective herbs like Triphala, Manjistha, Vacha, Tikta, and Nicha, the Mahamanjisthadi Kwath helps purify the blood like no other syrup.
Soothe your frozen shoulder and return to your life with Kerala Ayurveda Maharasnadi Kwath. Our time-tested remedy is based on the original recipe from the secret book of Ayurveda, Sharangdhara Samhita. This potent Ayurvedic medicine for frozen shoulder is infused with vata pacifying and pain-relieving herbs that help to strengthen your muscles, relieve pain and morning stiffness of joints, and normalize vata imbalance. It helps to strengthen muscles and joints, giving more flexibility and making your golden years more enjoyable.
Maharasnadi Kwath is known as an age-old Ayurvedic formulation that is helpful in managing and relieving joint and muscle pains, inflammation and stiffness. It uses key ingredients that are known to help in the treatment of Vata disorders like Kampavata (Parkinson’s disease), hemiplegia, paraplegia, neck pain, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bloating disorder, knee pain, hip pain. Kerala Ayurveda Maharasnadi Kwath is a famous ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. It is also known as Rasnadi Kwath, kashaya, kwath etc. It has potent anti-inflammatory benefits.
Mahathikthakam Kwath is Anti-inflammatory, Anti-infective, Immuno-modulator, Psychotropic, Carminative, Digestive & Laxative. Mahathikthakam Kwath is used to help with skin disorders and non-healing wounds. It soothes the skin and gives relief from the itching, inflammation, burning, oozing and pain that characterise skin disorders.
Mahathikthakam Kwath tablet is the modified dosage form of Mahathikthakam kwath, and is Anti-inflammatory, Anti-infective, Immuno-modulator, Psychotropic, Carminative, Digestive & Laxative. Mahathikthakam Kwath tablet is used to help with skin disorders and non-healing wounds. It soothes the skin and gives relief from the itching, inflammation, burning, oozing and pain that characterise skin disorders.
Everyone loves to have flawless and even-toned skin. Many skin care products for external application range from creams to peels, and people use what they trust the most. But what if your skin’s ailment is not entirely external and visible? The accumulated toxins in your blood could be one reason for acne, pimples, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and age spots. Using topical skin products alone may not give you the desired result when toxins are still in your blood. Ayurveda prescribes Manjishta as a raktashodhaka or a blood purifier herb for detoxification. Kerala Ayurveda Manjishtadi Kwath with the goodness of Manjishta and other kanti vardhak or complexion-enhancing herbs like Three dried fruits or Triphala, Giloy, or Guduchi, Neem or Nimba, and Turmeric or Nisa helps to flush out accumulated toxin in your blood and makes your skin healthy and supple from within.
Nimbadi Kwath is an Ayurvedic skin treatment formulation that can help in the treatment of boils and carbuncles. It is also good for patients with diabetic carbuncles. The herbs that are used in the Nimbadi Kwath help to relieve the pain and inflammation and restore the skin to good health. The key ingredient is Neem which is a popular and effective component of Ayurvedic products for the skin.